
I am sorry I did not provide this summary sooner to those who requested it.


A very meaningful Goan Peace Forum (possibly the first ever in North America) was held 
at St.
Marks Church, Belmont, California, on January 25, 2003, from 4:30-7pm.  Fr. Al Furtado 
organized a
very progressive meeting.  An Imam from the Belmont mosque read from the Koran in 
Church - another
possible first - reflecting the inter-faith gathering.  

Mahmood Suleiman, former UN Official from Iraq, spoke about peace in his native Iraq.  
Fr. Al and
Tony Moniz read from the Bible (Isiah 2:1-5).  A plea for peace (Healing of Nations) 
by Lao-Tzu,
Chinese Philosopher, was recited by those present (If there is to be peace in the 
must be peace in the heart). Hadi Kaddoura of the Yaseen Foundation spoke about peace 
in the
Middle East.  The event concluded with the hymn: Let there be peace on earth.

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