

In an extra ordinary meeting held in Kuwait by Kuwait Konknni Kendr, KKK unanimously resolved to protest over the malicious campaign carried out against Konkani by the illegitimate Goans settled in Goa. KKK also took a decision to condemn the treacherous campaign carried against Konkani by the hired slaves from Maharashtra who got no business to involve in the affairs of Goans. Konkani has already been recognized by all the authorities concerned and it does not require any certificate from Ramakant Khalap – Prataphsing Rane – Shashikala Kakodkar and all the hired people from Maharashtra. It is a pity that Khalap is still groping in the darkness. A shameless man having no base in Goa he is like Shashikala Kakodkar trying to gain mileage by raising the issue of Marathi in Konkani land. In Goa those who do not like Konkani, KKK tells them to “Get Out From Goa”. Goa belongs to Konkani people and as such it will remain as a land of Konkani.

Ramakant Khalap is not doing this language tamasha for the love of Marathi but to get political foothold in Goa as he is become politically bankrupt and as such by all means he wants to revive his political fortunes even to the extent of selling Goa to Maharashtra where he will be nobody. Khalap feels by raising the issue of Marathi against Konkani he will revive his political future. Bank scandal and other issues are enough for Khalap to say good-bye to Goan politics. We at KKK pity Khalap for his ignorance.

KKK also takes this opportunity to condemn the Meeting held recently in Panjim by the Marathi protagonists to oppose Konkani. It should be noted that KKK is not an enemy of Marathi, KKK respects Marathi as all other languages but what KKK does not approve of is this that the dirty games carried forward by the third class Marathi supporters like Khalap, Shashikala etc. to downgrade Konkani. These cheap Marathi protagonists should not envy the rise and progress of Konkani. Let Konkani flourish as Marathi has flourished. We are not jealous of Marathi. We the real Goans and real lovers and promoters of Konkani will always fight against those traitors who try to degrade Konkani. Konkani is the language of Goa and Goans irrespective of which religion they belong to and as such it will remain so. Those who want Marathi as official language they can rightly get it but not in Goa it will be in Maharashtra and as such they should migrate to Maharashtra, which is the land of their forefathers and ancestors from where they came once, and naturalized themselves as unwanted and disgraceful citizens of Goa. It is these people who once licked the boots of Portuguese to obtain all the material benefits for themselves.

Long Live Goa, Long Live Konkani !!


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