
I cannot understand why the US government wishes to single out Iraq for possessing 
weapons of mass destruction. There are many other countries that possess the same.

A case in point is India. In India, many of its citizens are guilty of holding and 
even producing deadly biological weapons that are a serious threat to their neighbors. 
As a slap to the international community, much of this is done in the open and in the 
plain sight of everyone. For example, on a recent trip to N.India I noticed people 
relieving themselves along the freeways and railway tracks. I also observed miles upon 
miles of open, rotting garbage piles in many of the areas I passed through. I am sure 
US satellites and its U2 spy planes would be able to pick up this kind of evidence 
with no problems. I just don't understand why they have not brought this evidence to 
the UN. 

Furthermore, like Iraq, the Indian people have been guilty of releasing bio weapons on 
themselves. India recently caught up with European bio weapons technology (of 15th 
century vintage) when they successfully released the plague in the 1990's. Likewise, 
consistent reports of cholera, smallpox, TB and malaria also suggest that India has 
active programs in propagating these deadly diseases too.

One big question here is whether this weapons prolifieration is initiated and funded 
by the government or by private institutions. Much of the evidence suggests that it is 
not the government but rather private individuals and households that are involved in 
these illegal activities. This is perhaps one key difference between Iraq and India. 
The government does however bear partial responsibility for this because of the 
prevalence of widespread illiteracy in the country.

Though I saw less evidence of this in Goa, it nevertheless still happens here as well. 
I have seen many goan criminals dump trash in their streams, rivers and streets. 
However it does look like the Govt. of Goa is doing a decent job in controlling these 
criminal elements. I for one would prefer stronger enforcement and punisment, such as 
public flogging or demolishing the homes and other bio production centers of those 
found to be guilty. Another option would be for Goa to merge with Kerala whose people 
seem to be far more educated and conscious of the enviroment. Alternatively, we can 
continue to import more people from Kerala and hope that they imbibe their values onto 
the dirty goan mentality.

Malyalam anyone?


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