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War or No war against Iraq but what is to be admired is the Voice of the People all around the globe. Lokh Shakti you can call it or Demos Kratia you may call it but it is something great one has to admit. One Million people in the Christian Catholic land coming on the streets in Italy supporting the voice of Pope to prevent war and exhaust all other avenues to strip Iraq of all its banned weapons is something unimaginable. Half a million on similar mission on the streets of London, equal number of such people on the streets of Paris and innumerable people showing their solidarity with suffering Iraqi people against imposition of USA’s war on Saddam means something great. It speaks volumes of the opposition of innumerable people against war. What is more admirable in these people who came on the streets is that they are all Christians with the exception of few Muslims and others. This shows the greatness of the hearts of Christians. Opposing the killings of Muslims and Arabs in the Islamic Arab land of Iraq proves the magnanimity of Western Christian people. Would my Muslim and Arab brothers do the same if Christians were to be killed by Muslim and Arab Nations the way USA and UK trying to do for Iraq? In no way directly the war in Iraq affects those who came on the streets in Italy – UK
& France in such a colossal number. For anything that is required to awaken the conscience of the world it is Europe first come forward. They give a lead in conscientising the world opinion. Public opinion created by Christian Europe in such a manner is really worth admiring.

That war against Iraq at this juncture is imperative or not is another
matter but what is important to know at this juncture is how people raised their voice so forcefully against the war thereby pressurizing their Governments to stand upright and not to bend their upright posture. Britain even altered its posture immediately after the demonstration in UK. The effect of war is better known to European peoples especially Germans, French and British and for this reason they raised their voice so forcefully. Currently they have dwarfed the might of Atom & Hydrogen Bombs and that of High Tech. War. Whether USA and UK succumb to the public opinion ultimately is another question but what is currently important to know is this that peoples power on the streets can make its voice heard and audible to those who are trying to wage war. As seasoned and matured democracies I am sure both UK and USA will surely heed the oppinion of the people in one way or the other, if not preventing war then at least giving more time to Sadam
Hussain to bare his secrets. Besides Pope, these people who came on the streets will make their voice as voice of human conscience and voice of the world conscience. They fulfill their moral obligation to side with the weak and suppressed people of Iraq by their leader – Saddam Hussain.

Saddam Hussain and his colleagues must be overthrown and in this direction all efforts must be made. Saddam Hussain has made the world suffer by unjustly invading innocent and small peace loving Muslim Arab country Kuwait. By invading tiny Kuwait Saddam Hussain made mockery not only of Arab League – NAM & IOC but more than that he made great mockery of United Nations, which prevents invading of one country by another. Now the same Saddam Hussain is pleading his case in front of United Nations. Saddam Hussain calls himself a great patriot of Muslim and Arab worlds but as a matter of fact he fools the Arabs and Muslims otherwise he would not have trampled the sacred principle of IOC which forbids use of force by one IOC member against the other, so also of Arab League. Good that United Nations was in existence during the time of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait to sanction the war for the liberation of Kuwait otherwise Kuwait would be still under the invasion of Iraq, as many thought. For example, during the invasion of Kuwait I was in Goa busy organizing along with my colleagues public Rallies and Meetings in Panaji against Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and in support of the liberation of Kuwait under Goa Kuwait Solidarity Centre. Suddenly on one fine day I met in front of Chamber of Commerce, opposite Azad Maidann Panjim, Mr. Eduardo Faleiro then MP. He wished me and asked me why I am wasting my time on these activities in support of Kuwait. When I asked him the reason of his question he answered thus “the problem of Kuwait will not be solved, it will go on like Palestinian case for years and years. It is not possible for invading country to withdraw. Hence, Veronica, you better forget of Kuwait’s liberation”. What a surprise!! I was dumb gasping for breath to tell him how stupid he was on world affairs. Till recently to that meeting the same Eduardo Faleiro was Foreign Affairs Minister of India (Jr. level) and for a person of his calibre to talk like this as an ignorant of world affairs was something unimaginable.

No organization other than UN is capable of creating a dent into the world affairs. During the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, Arab League-OIC and NAM collapsed like pack of cards, only UN remained strong thanks to USA and all the veto powers. By invading Kuwait Saddam Hussain destroyed the fabrics of Arab League-OIC & NAM beyond repairable. In other words Saddam told these bodies “you better sleep – because you cannot do anything”. I don’t understand why NAM is still existing. It should have gone into extinction with the death of Nasser – Nehru & Tito who were more illusionary persons living in their own romanticism. That USA will not remain idle for Saddam’s mischief is another matter but Saddam Hussain must go is a sure message, even those who came on the streets gave this message. These people sympathized with the suffering and innocent people of Iraq and not to Saddam
Hussain and his politburo who are living in pomp and luxuries. Having seen with my own eyes the invasion of Kuwait and its aftermath effects, I feel Saddam Hussain must be dethroned. Before stripping Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction world must strip Iraq of Saddam Hussain and his gang who are posing constant threats to Kuwait and neighbouring countries directly and indirectly to the world by playing mischief. The existence of Saddam Hussain and his gang will always pose a threat to innocent and peace loving countries like Kuwait. Saddam Hussain is incapable of harming any non-Arab and non Muslim countries. Saddam Hussain is impotent to destroy Jewish Israel or Christian nations, Saddam Hussain is capable only to invade and destroy Arab and Muslim nations. He is greater threat not to Jewish Israel nor to Hindu India nor to Christian West nor to Budhist Japan. He is greatest threat to his own Arab and Muslim brothers & sisters. Even during the last Gulf war for the liberation of Kuwait some Muslim and Arab Nations accused USA of siding with Kuwait. For these nations and to their tin pot
leaders the then President of USA Sr. Bush replied during the joint press conference held between him and Gorbachev saying thus “ the war against Iraq is not a war between Muslims and Christian; the war against Iraq is not a war between Arabs and West; the war against Iraq is the war between Muslims and Muslims and between Arabs and Arabs. America and West are only helping Muslim Arab nation to get its liberation from Iraqi invasion”. To add more to that statement, let me conclude thus “the war against Iraq is going to be the war to protect Arab and Muslim nations from liquidating their existence”. I support those who try to demilitarize Iraq of its destructive weapons. If this can be done peacefully then I support the peaceful efforts even if it takes little more time. Otherwise, War is inevitable, whether one
likes it or not. And in the bargain, the poor people of Iraq will be
liberated from the bondage and hardships of Saddam Hussain and his gang.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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