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[Rico, I hope this is OK -- it's plain text]

Over the last 100 days (from December 9 2002 till March 19, 2003), I have
been taking note of suicides in Goa, as reported in the daily news extracts
we get from Joel D'Souza.

The following figures appear:

In these 100 days, there have been 27 suicides (just over one every 4
days) -- 17 were males and 10 females.
The average age of male suicides is 33.64 and of female suicides 28.8. The
overall average age is 31.85.
The youngest make suicide was 18 and the oldest 56, while the youngest
female suicide was 16 and the oldest 53.

I am not a sociologist, neither a psychologist. But I find these figures

Prof. Dennis Kurzon

Department of English
University of Haifa
Israel 31905

tel: 972-4-8240532
fax: 972-4-8249711


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