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In 1997 the number of suicides reported in Canada is 3941
The number of males is 3093
The number of females is 848

The normal yardstick is suicides per 100,000 of population.
The above results in 14 persons per 100,000 of population

For more information see http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/health01.htm

For India as a whole the number appears to be 11 per 100,000 of population.


(The number is quite surprising - would have expected to see a higher rate
judging from press reports.)

Bangalore City tops in suicide rate

 From Shruba Mukherjee DH News Service NEW DELHI, Nov 16

 Bangalore has the highest rate of suicides among the cities in India and
 Karnataka has the dubious distinction of holding the second position among
 the States, according to a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report.
 Bangalore tops the list with 17 per cent, followed by Mumbai (14 per
 cent), Chennai (11 per cent) and Delhi (7.5 per cent). These cities
 account for nearly 50 per cent of the total suicides in the country, the
 report titled Suicide Prevention: Emerging from Darkness published by WHO
 (South-East Asia region), said.

 With a rate of 11 per 1,00,000 per year, an increase from six per 1,00,000
 during the 1980s, India has the second highest rate of suicides in the
 region. While 89,000 people committed suicide in 1995, the number rose to
 96,000 in 1997 and to 1,04,000 in 1998, an increase of 25 per cent
 compared to the previous year. During 1988-98, suicides increased by a
 staggering 33.7 per cent.

The following may also help to understand the situation in Goa:

UCAN Report:  ID0127.0976      Issued on: May 22, 1998


    PANAJI, GOA (UCAN) -- Reacting to students running away or even
committing suicide after academic failure, Christians in
the western Indian state of Goa have initiated a telephone helpline to help
reduce academic stress.
    A.C. Afonso, who initiated the Students' Helpline in this former
Portuguese colony, said he and other teachers attribute the
alarming behavior to "insensitive parents who expect just too much" from
their children.
    A graduate student hanged himself last year after friends told him that
he had failed an examination, though later reports indicated that he had
passed. His mother admitted pushing him to achieve academic excellence, said


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Kurzon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 4:15 AM
Subject: [Goanet] (no subject)

> [Rico, I hope this is OK -- it's plain text]
> Over the last 100 days (from December 9 2002 till March 19, 2003), I have
> been taking note of suicides in Goa, as reported in the daily news
> we get from Joel D'Souza.
> The following figures appear:
> In these 100 days, there have been 27 suicides (just over one every 4
> days) -- 17 were males and 10 females.
> The average age of male suicides is 33.64 and of female suicides 28.8. The
> overall average age is 31.85.
> The youngest make suicide was 18 and the oldest 56, while the youngest
> female suicide was 16 and the oldest 53.
> I am not a sociologist, neither a psychologist. But I find these figures
> disturbing.
> Comments?
> Prof. Dennis Kurzon
> Department of English
> University of Haifa
> Israel 31905
> tel: 972-4-8240532
> fax: 972-4-8249711
> http://english.haifa.ac.il/staff/dKurzon.htm

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