I object to the sympathy shown to the alleged culprits and expressing 
doubts about the accuser, by one who has not listened to both sides of the story. 
No one has the right to judge a matter based on hearsay or scurrilous reports 
based on gossip. The Police, Judiciary should be left to investigate this 
matter and take appropriate action. It is within the jurisdiction of the CM to 
intercede. Mr. Parrikar is a very astute and intelligent person as I know him 
and he will not intervene in matters where he has no jurisdiction as the writer 
does. No one has the business to pass judgement for there are those whose job 
it is to investigate and indict criminals.

      I make no suggestions. I condemn no one when I do not know the case. We 
can only hope that justice will prevail. Unless the vicrtim is mentally 
deranged she would not accuse the accused. Women groups should take note of this 
and condemn those who have no business to pass judgement. Read the garbage below.
    Edgar Martins 

In a message dated 6/4/03 1:26:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I find it preposterous that the Youth accused of rape were denied bail. It
 should be plainly clear to any person thinking rationally that what the
 Judge pronounced was just to appease the powers that be.
 It was said that just because the girls virginity was intact did not mean
 she was not raped. Heaven forbid if she was not a virgin. What is the Judge
 implying? That only partial penetration took place ?  The girl it seems now
 contends that she was sodomized. I have it from a good source that if this
 had happened she would not merely have had a sore bottom but would have been
 brutalized and the medical panel investigating her would have had no doubt
 what so ever of this. The Doctor's are bound by the hippocratic  oath they
 took, the judge too took an oath to uphold the law. It is a sad, sad day
 indeed for all Goans when fairness cannot be shown because of pressure
 brought down to bear. I hope those responsible are happy with what they have
 done. When and if it eventually turns out that the girl made up the story
 will the authorities concerned bring charges to bear against her ?
 In the mean time the boys are languishing in jail. Cecil Pinto has written a
 nice article on this subject - a bit of investigative journalism. It
 warrants to be posted on this site. I feel for the youth and hope that very
 soon reasoning will prevail and they will be set free.
 Gabe Menezes

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