Subject: Re: [Goanet] Bail denied to alleged rapists.

     I object to the sympathy shown to the alleged culprits and expressing
 doubts about the accuser, by one who has not listened to both sides of the
 No one has the right to judge a matter based on hearsay or scurrilous
 based on gossip. The Police, Judiciary should be left to investigate this
 matter and take appropriate action. It is within the jurisdiction of the CM
 intercede. Mr. Parrikar is a very astute and intelligent person as I know
 and he will not intervene in matters where he has no jurisdiction as the
 does. No one has the business to pass judgement for there are those whose
 it is to investigate and indict criminals.

Mr. Martins has not been keeping up to date with news it was printed
that the Alleged victim claims now that only two persons raped her.In the
this case would have been thrown out as being unsafe. I do not need to
myself I believe I have done so adequately.

The bottom line is that she is still a virgin by all definitions.


 Gabe Menezes

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