The following is from the global Compendium of Weeds hope page.

A possible explanation or etymology of the word "Chirputtam".  See below:

Physalis minima 

Synonyms/other Latin names: Physalis lagascae Roem. & Schult. (see)

Common name(s): gooseberry, wild gooseberry, pygmy groundcherry, native
gooseberry, chirphoti, chirpotoka, chirpotyo, papotan, pipat, Chinese
lanternplant, thong theng

Status(es) (compiled from below "Data sources"):
Weed~Naturalised~Introduced~Garden Escape~Environmental

Data sources: 39~55~66~86~87~88~93~121~209~228~239~269~286~287~297
          NOTE: for now (until database/website are updated), you must
manually search for each data source in the GWC
Data Sources document.)

Origin (native to where): Australia

Environmental extremes tolerated: Arid

Cultivated - Toxic - Medicinal/culinary uses

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