RE: Self-esteem and Self-Confidence among Goans

Samir writes:
The biggest causality of this colonialism for not just Goa but India
Itself, has been self-esteem, and dignity. I do not know how long it
would take, if at all, to restore that self-esteem and dignity.


I beg to differ with Samir's assertion about lack of self-esteem and
self-confidence among Goans. I would submit to you that Goans are too
self-confident - and sometimes for their own good!!!

Thus our youth drop out of school because they are so smart that they do
not learn much in school. They are smarter than the teacher!

As adults in the work force, we fail to learn and apply ourselves hard
enough. Then we say - the pay is not much, the work is boring or that we
(the employee) know more than the boss.

Finally one of the characterizations of Goans, (by Goans) rightly or
wrongly is the sossegad life style. This life style is not one of a
person who has a poor self-esteem. It is the mind-set of one who thinks
he knows a lot and talks a lot. I do not see any lack of self-esteem and
self-dignity among Goans in cyberspace. Do you?

If Goans truly had poor self-esteem, they would compensate for it by
working harder. This is what new immigrants do in the US. In spite of
the cultural and language difficulties, they are successful through
diligence and hard work. There is no body to console the immigrant's
poor-self esteem. They "lift themselves up with their own boot straps".

Samir and others who present a vile anti-colonial bias, believe all of
Goa's' problem are due to Portuguese colonialism.  Similarly Jose Colaco
and those who are terribly anti-Indian, in their view, believe all of
Goa's problems are due to India's rule. 

In my view, and those of a few in cyberspace, Goa's problems of today
and their solutions are in the hands of Goans. The earlier we stop
finding and making excuses that outsiders are our problem the earlier we
will start rolling up our sleeves and doing something. Just talking
about "outsiders" on whom we do not have any control is not going to
make one iota of improvement. It may increase our egos and blood
pressure and the volume of correspondence in cyberspace.

Finally, Samir and others blame the colonialists for the poor
self-esteem. In fact I would suggest that it is because of the lack of
hard work, the colonialist came, saw and conquered Goa and India. The
concern is will history repeat itself! In fact from reports, that is
already happening with Goa flooded by non-Goans who take up jobs too
demeaning for "self-confident Goans". These "baihle" are also taking
over our culture, music, dance, cuisine, etc.  Regards, GL 

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