Portuguese hater,

What democracy in Goa? A democracy which is sectarian
and has created a neo political class? A democracy
which has goons and gondas as politicians.

Is this the democracy that you are proud off Mr. PH?

PS.: Won't you return those books borrowed from


> Criticism, even when crude or hard,  is translated
> as *bashing* or
> *hate*, Mr. Rui Colaço is perhaps still suffering
> from the hangover of
> the Salazar regime and its half a century of culture
> of censorship!
> Fortunately, the Portuguese, sepcially the younger
> generation, are
> getting over it. 
> Mr. Rui Colaço should not forget that Goa entered
> the age of democracy
> at least a decade of years before 25 of April of
> 1974! Perhaps Goanet
> will have to see more renting and fuming following 
> this reminder!

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