> >From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Miguel:
> >
> >I wish you could change your mind and continue posting on Goanet.
> >Outspoken original views such as yours, sincerely and fearlessly
> >expressed, are infinitely more valuable than recycled chain letters,
> >personal attacks, troll messages, gratuitous advice and blessings,
> >and cut and paste jobs. The latter are a staple of all internet
> >forums - not just Goanet. It is generally a good idea to ignore them,
> >and the posters who habitually resort to them.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Santosh

Santosh, IMHO the problem starts when people respond to a set of views 
they don't like by attacking the person posting it, sending in troll 
posts, baiting that person and getting him or her caught up in personal 
abuse and a whole lot of controversy. 

On Goanet, we have a handful -- maybe two or three persons -- who are 
notorious for this, and have subjected Miguel too to a similar treatment. 

This results in not just bitterness, but the unnecessary clogging of the 
bandwidth with 'I-said, you-said, I-didn't-say' type of postings. There 
are some who will also send in personal abuse, via private mail, long 
after the debate is over. Issues are not seen as being meant to be 
debated honestly, but as a means for settling scores for the real or 
imaginary crossing of swords earlier.

On an open forum like this, it's more than obvious who's playing what 
role. Even a feature on translating Camoes into Konkani can become 
opportunity enough to curse those who don't share a barely-concealed 
colonialist perspective, and seek to provoke another endless row about how 
my-side-of-1961-is-better-than-your-side-of-1961. Are we Goans condemned 
to live in the past? How is all this relevant to our present (and future)? 

Those (again just a tiny minority) masquerading under fake identities, and 
using bogus IP addresses, are among the worst offenders. They probably 
get the Dutch courage to argue their well-known perspectives in an even 
more shrill tone, hiding under the safety of fake identities. 

As a member of Goanet-Admin, I could say that we have the worst of all 
worlds. On the one hand, we're blamed for not keeping in check the debate 
from transgressing the bounds of decency. On the other, attempts to 
keep out clear trolls is portrayed as 'censorship' by those who don't know 
the difference between 'moderating' and 'censorship'.

This is an appeal to right-thinking people to (i) not fall prey to the 
trolls (ii) understand the agendas of those who have been persistently 
trying to derail decent and logical discussion on this list, sometimes 
using more than one identity and (iii) take a more active stance to speak 
out against those who seek to manipulate and twist issues, rather than 
have a fair and balanced discussion.

Let me appeal to Miguel not to get trapped in by those who have scores of 
whatever sort to settle, or suffer from unhealed wounds of the past, and 
instead carry on with the interesting inputs he has been giving us from 
his ear-to-the-ground position. Goa (and Goanet too) needs people like you 
to move ahead.  FN

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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/              #  
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