Fr. Antonio Pereira who died on 25th of this month and interred on next day at Bicholim was mourned in Kuwait yesterday 27th. A condolence meeting was held by Kuwait Konknni Kendr in Kuwait City at 7.30 p.m. which was attended not only by the members of KKK but also by others. During the meeting all the speakers who spoke on the superlative qualities of Fr. Antonio Pereira in the field of Konkani literature showed their sorrow over the death of this great priest. On behalf of KKK, A. Veronica Fernandes welcomed the attendees and requested Gen. Sec. of KKK Luis Cardoso (Guirim Bardez) to conduct the prayers for the soul of Fr. Antonio. Then the president of KKK Mr. Elvino Rodrigues (Navelim Salcette) described the greatness of Fr. Antonio Pereira in the promotion of Konkani cause. Well-known Poet Lino Bab Dourado (Utorda) in his speech highlighted on the contribution of Fr. Antonio Pereira not only in the field of Konkani literature but also otherwise and stressed upon some salient features of Fr. Antonio Pereira’s activities. On behalf of Konkani Heritage Kuwait, Mr. Fidelis Fernandes its president showed his closeness with Fr. Antonio Pereira since his youth in hi village Colva where the priest used to come for preaching. Not only he even his late father was close to Fr. Antonio Pereira whose books they have been reading with deep attention. Stage Artiste Querobina Carvalho who many times encountered Fr. Antonio Pereira as a stage artiste showed her regret over the death of this priest and said such a person, such a gigantic literary figure we will never get again. She also said how nicely Fr. Antonio Pereira used to praise her for her stage acting and singing. Luis Cardoso in his short speech described how KKK helped Fr. Antonio Pereira in financing his book Konkani Voparinchem Bhandar.

It was in 1985 and KKK was recently formed. Fr. Antonio Pereira wanted money to print his rich book of collection of Konkani proverbs “KONKANI VOPARINCHEM BHANDAR”. KKK had no funds but all the 10 executive members of KKK joined together and agreed to donate Rs. 10,000/- for the printing of this book. This was the part of the total amount and finally this great book was published and within a short time all the copies were sold.

Fr. Antonio Pereira was my personal friend; every time I went on vacation I always made a point to visit him either at Bicholim or Baga or Xaviers Research Centre – Porvorim or at Britto’s Mapsa. Though he was ailing yet he was always jovial and even from the sick bed he used to tell me “support Konkani cause even though you may have reservation with some people including me”. Once he told me “our minds may be different but our hearts are same”. He always encouraged me to work for the cause of Konkani by telling “Konkani is the soul of Goa and without Konkani Goa will not be Goa and without Konkani Goykars will not be Goykars”.

May the Soul of Fr. Antonio Pereira Rest In Peace and May God give Goa and Konkani more of Fr. Antonio Pereiras not only to serve Goa, Konkani and Church but also to serve humanity without any discrimination. Because of his broadmindedness and great heartedness he was loved more by non Catholics in Bicholim in particular and elsewhere in general. He was the unifying factor between Christians and others and during the funeral mass of his on 26th not only priests and Christians spoke but also Hindus and Muslims. It was rare occasion in Goa for a person to receive such a tribute. And rightly, he deserve such a rich tribute. Once again “May His Soul Rest In Peace”

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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