We have some strange fault-finders on goanet,  with nothing of their

own to contribute! It is easy to cast stones!

I am glad my friends J. Loiola Pereira and Jorge Abreu are a redeeming


One could continue to question any good translation! A free translation of

spoken" type could produce many variants.

I would retain my translation as it is, excepting  an extra "s" (in

*devias*) and extra "seja" in the last line (see below in square brackets).

These had been deleted in my private message to Fredrick, but somehow

remained on the draft that went to goanet.

For me, "hundred times, or thousand times" continue to mean "as many times..
", and Loiola Pereira's (cem vezes) or Jorge Abreu's (mil vezes) are as good

as my "tantas vezes que for necessário".

Teotonio R. de Souza



Frederick Noronha wrote on March 04, in a response to Paulo Colaco Dias:


> I say again -- instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle. It's easy

> to poke fun at Teotonio. At least he took the trouble of giving us a

> translation of what was sought.


Jorge Abreu Noronha wrote:




I hope you don't mind if I disagree with you. I think it all depends on the

way you look at things. In my opinion Paulo did not poke fun at Teotonio,

but just wished to tell Teotonio that his Portuguese translation was faulty

and some one else had to intervene to correct it. You did receive later a

good Portuguese translation from J. Loiola Pereira, though I might add

that in Portuguese we don't usually use the expression "a hundred times"

("cem vezes") but "a thousand times" or "thousands of times" ("mil vezes" or

"milhares de vezes"); or, even if you wanted to maintain "a hundred times",




Fred wrote:


Could some kind soul give me a spoken translation (not a literal one) of


the following lines into Portuguese? I'd be grateful. Thanks! FN



Teotonio R. de Souza wrote:


"Ramesh, it is all your fault. You shouldn't have married that woman. She


was a bad wife and a lousy mother. And now, Tara is growing up to be just


like her."


>Ramesh, é inteiramente culpa sua. Não devia[s] ter casado com aquela mulher

>Ela era uma má esposa e uma mãe inútil. Tara está agora a crescer

>exactamente como ela.


  "Please don't say that, mother."


  >Por favor mãe, não diga isso.


  "I will say it a hundred times- Tara is just like her mother."


  >Direi tantas vezes que [seja] for necessário – Tara é tal e qual a sua



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