On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 20:19:15 -0500 (EST), Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It amazes me that every time I go to (and especially
> south) Goa, everyone shouts that the representatives
> are criminals. Yet these very same people get VOTED
> into office again and again.
> Mervyn2.0

RESPONSE: Arre Mervyn 2.0........kitem uloitai re.......Saiba Bogos.....Who says
Goans are voting in criminals over and over again...you're probably referring to
those Liberals in Canada.....please show me the proof and the pudding.......
Samja....proof-proof....(very humbly - I ask because I do not know - Please tell
me that I am wrong....)

Now don't come back to me and say those are famous last words and all that
gibberish........I'm now packing it in - yet......

I know everything else about Goa because I'm reading Goanet and Goan
newspapers.....and all my friends and familia are emailing me regularly except
what Mervyn 2.0 is saying.........nobody says the same thing as Mervyn 2.0......
please ignore Cecil if he contradicts [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] has a habit
of doing that !!! Cecil....meet me on the ferry boat...dakoita tuca.....

Listen Mervyn 2.0.......seems you don't know.....Goans are good people....we
have always been good people.....arre bore mure ami....pre-1961 and
post-9/11....hic....I mean post-1961.....I'm not sure what happened during
1961.....we may have to ask Padre Loiola....who was studying French in 1961 in
Goa......French....French.....celebrating the Bastille....even to this day..:-)

It is those conniving, theiving, bakshish-taking, oggling at women, bharatis
(read Indians) who keep voting for those criminals......oh-wait-a-minute....am I
sounding like somebody else.....let me change things a little......blistering
barnacles.....thundering typhoons......be gone you lot of Mossambis, Pumpkins,
Guavas, Turnips......I'm breathless......somebody please continue for me......

Somebody with pearls of wisdom....said all of Goa ** PROBABLY ** would have been
Muslim.....or that our passports would ** PROBABLY ** have been green......Can
you imagine if Aliens had landed in Goa before Vasco da Gama......the man **
PROBABLY ** would have received a rude shock....he arriving in a boat (stuck in
the pani) and ALIENS on saucers (skimming all over)....and he ** PROBABLY **
would have joined them on an inter-stellar journey.....and blazed a trail for
all Goans.......and we would have been masters of the universe.......all **

I'll be baaaaaak - Bosco

PS....I almost forgot.....

India is my country.....
All bharatis (read Indians) are my brothers and sisters.....
oh geez....can't remember the rest from my Grade 6 Civics class....;-)

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