On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 11:28:21 +0400, Ceazer Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to apply for the Portugusee passport and have no idea How to do
> that.
> Please give me some details how to obtain the same, for which I shall be
> greatfull to you.

RESPONSE: Ceazer, why would you like to have a Portuguese passport. Is it

1) You just realized you were also Portuguese ?
2) You suddenly value your Portuguese ancestry ?
3) You suddenly hate India and want out....besides you live in the Emirates
4) You want to use the passport to travel freely across the world ?
5) You want to use the passport to settle in another country ?

If I had to answer the same questions above....I too would like a Portuguese
passport to travel without restrictions across the world.

Later - Bosco

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