11 March 2004

      at http://www.goacom.com/news
   goacomNews09 Mar 04.
   Uploaded: Mar-10-04 | 6 am; Duration: 6:33
   H I G H L I G H T S :
   - POLL CAMPAIGN: Shripad Naik confident of annexing the North Goa seat
again. Congress, MGP and NCP unity yet to take off.
   - Minister for Power Digambar Kamat celebrates his 50th birthday in
   - SHISHARANNI: A quaint Hindu Festival at Canacona temple in South, where
three devotees form a human fire-place on which food is cooked.
   Goacom News Clippings: http://www.goacom.com/news
   Webzine "GoaNOW": http://www.goacom.com/goanow

IFFI: CITIZENS, NGOS TO MEET: A meeting of citizens and non-governmental
organizations to discuss issues related to the massive infrastructure
development undertaken by the government at a 'hectic' pace in the city for
the upcoming International Film Festival of 2004 will be held at TB Cunha
hall in Panaji on 14 March. People's Movement for Civic Action, a
Panaji-based NGO, has stated that though major projects, which could affect
the life of citizens of the capital city, are being pushed through at a
reckless pace, the main stakeholders are being kept in the dark. (GT)

but the bull-fight lovers had already come in droves at Pedda-Varca. A
youthful minister and a first-time young MLA were reportedly part of the
massive crowd and made a delayed presence at the venue, but the promised
bull-fight took place without the notice of the Colva police, so to say.
According to information, around 5000-odd dhirio lovers-hailing from as far
as Pernem and Bardez, besides the coastal belt of Salcete-pouring in at
Varca since the wee hours. At 7 am, the much-awaited fight started between
two bulls-one from Benaulim and the other from Varca. And, it took just 17
minutes for the bull from Varca to defeat the other bull, thus making the
owner richer by around Rs.50,000. (H)

UGDP TO EXPAND PARTY BASE: The United Goan Democratic Party presidium that
met recently is known to have discussed the party's strategy for the
forthcoming Lok Sabha election. Sources from the UGDP stated that as a first
step the party has started mobilizing to expand the party base all over the
State. (GT)

NO 'FEEL GOOD' FACTOR ON GAS, COCONUTS: How can there be a 'feel good'
factor when the price of an LPG cylinder is Rs.260 and that of a coconut is
Rs.12, queried Congress leaders at a public meeting near the Navdurga temple
in Marcaim on March 10. (H)

of list candidates (countrywide) released by the Congress Party has names of
59 sitting members, the party is fielding 16 new candidates including former
Goa Chief Minister, Mr Churchill Alemao, from Mormugao. (NT)

Fernandes yesterday (March 10) threatened to file a writ petition seeking
time-bound programme for the removal of the grounded vessel "River Princess"
at Candolim.He pointed out that the Bombay High Court had directed the
government to initiate steps to remove the vessel but the government was
adopting dilly-dallying tactics in the matter. (GT)

perpetrators of the gory crime be brought to book, the locals of
Tolecanto-Velim vowed to continue their struggle till the police complete
their investigations in the rape and murder of the 10-year-old students at
Betul. A seven-member committee has been constituted to pursue the case on a
day-to-day basis with the police authorities. Members of the committee are
ST Rock Parish Priest Fr Erodiano Fernandes, Bailancho Ekvott President Auda
Viegas and Simon Fernandes, Ramona Almeida, Nora Mazarello, Helma Mazarello
and Antonette Pinto. (H)

NEW COCUM GRAFT: For the first time, Goa's Forest Department, Research
Division, has achieved fruitful results while developing a Garcinia Indica
(kokum) graft conducive for cultivation in the State. The research was held
for a year and is expected to continue further. (H)

SENSITIVE BOOTHS GET ON CONG NERVES: The Congress has charged the government
of "targeting" Congress-ruled assembly constituencies while declaring the
list of sensitive booths and creating fear psychosis among the voters. Santa
Cruz MLA, Victoria Fernandes, expressed alarm over the enlisting of a
sizable number of polling stations in St Cruz declared as sensitive for the
forthcoming parliamentary polls. Calangute MLA Agnelo Fernandes also flayed
the government for declaring as many as 12 polling stations in his
constituency as sensitive. (H)

LEOPARDS ON THE PROWL IN CHANDOR: And now a group of leopards seems to be on
the prowl at Cavorim-Gotmorod, Chandor, in Salcete. "I've lost piglings and
a dog to the leopards, who are making life miserable for us here," said
Andrew D'Silva who is running a dairy farm in the village. The affected area
has a hilly terrain nearby, where the wild cats have been spotted. D'Silva
claims that for more than five years now, his farm had been visited by
leopards. (H)

GOANS PREFER SHORT-TERM CATERING COURSES: There are hardly any takes from
Goa for the three-year BSc degree course in Hospitality and Hotel
Administration despite having international recognition and potential for
more than ten times the remuneration on employment than that obtained for
the more popular short terms courses. Goans occupy only about 10 per cent of
the seats, according to Mr Roque D'Cruz, principal of the Institute of Hotel
Management, Alto Porvorim. (H)

DEATH RELIEF FUND: Visionaries, Colva, inaugurated their Death Relief Fund
recently. Anybody who needs on-the-spot funds for meeting funeral expenses
can avail of this fund. The fund can be refunded back immediately after the
party arranges for his or her own funds. (GT)

ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF RAPE: Police in Margao have arrested Sameer Dessai for
his alleged involvement in the rape of two girls, one of whom is a minor, in
the month of August 2003. Complaint against the accused was lodged on 11
October, 2003, by Auda Viegas. (GT)

COAL POLLUTION: According to a survey conducted among doctors, advocates,
bankers, hoteliers and the business community, besides schools, commercial
establishments and residents, in Vasco, it has been found that the coal dust
pollution has caused drastic damage, affecting business and health of the
citizens. (GT)

HOW GOANS SELL GOA: There are some village panchayats where non-Goans have
elected panchas. At the Chicalim panchayat, many who are not Goans have
become panchas. Non-Goans are spreading day by day to other parts of Goa. (N
Shivdas in Herald)

SELF-HELP GROUPS DESILT EIGHT PONDS; Thanks to Self-Help Groups from
Canacona taluka an area of 24 hectares has been brought under command area
by repairing and desilting eight ponds at a cost of Rs.5.5 lakh. (GT)

FRIDAY BALCAO: Friday Balcao, the fortnightly discussion event which will be
held on March 12, will feature the topic "Combatting Corruption-Citizens'
Involvement the Best Solution" as part of a series on public interest
issues. The event will be held from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Goa d
Esc Resource Centre, No.11 Liberty Apartments, Feira Alta, Mapusa. Phone

VANISHED CIVILIZATION OF BENAULIM: The present village of Benaulim in South
Goa was in ancient times a group of rock islands where a primitive
civilization thrived. The rocks above sea level were seven in number, and
there were, besides, two hillocks, the present Monte of Benaulim and the
mount where the present Church of St John the Baptist is located. (Vicente
Correia Afonso in GT)

FACTS.AND FICTION: Some economic studies undertaken by researchers from the
State come as a breath of fresh air. The papers were presented some days
back at a Goa University seminar on "The Economy of Goa Since Liberation".
For once, the studies seem willing to look at the critical aspect of the
Goan reality. What is also of interest is that, at least occasionally, an
institution funded by Goa's resources seems to be taking more serious its
responsibility of throwing up relevant ideas and analysis that can take Goa
forward. (Edit in Herald)

US AMBASSADOR'S VISIT: The US ambassador, Mr David Mulford, yesterday (March
10) visited the Kala Academy complex to know about the role of Kala Academy
in fostering of cultural unity of Goa. Mr Mulford was also eager to know
about the rich Goan cultural heritage and especially about the
world-renowned vocalist and painters hailing from Goa. (NT)

JAY'S PLAY SET FOR A NEW RECORD: Director Jayendranath Haldankar, a Gomantak
staffer, is on the prowl. His creation "Prashn Tumchya Nirnayacha" (The
choice is yours), a Marathi drama is creating waves at the national level.
With a total of 35 artistes, live music, excellent choreography, lights,
costumes and above all, an excellent storyline, this drama has broken all
records and will now figure at the Maharashtra Natyaspardha at Ahmednagar on
12 March. (GT)


DEMPO EDGE PAST TOLLY: Medio Clifford Miranda, who played a stellar role in
the middle, opened the account for title-aspirants Dempo Sports Club to edge
past Tollygunge Agragami 2-1 in an unimpressive but eventful eighth National
Football league match played in Kolkata on March 10. Wilton Gomes scored the
second goal. (GT)

league campaign on a winning note, when they thrashed Tropa Sports and
Cultural Club 5-1 in the GFA Third Division group-G league match, at Duler
in Mapusa on March 10. (H)

   10 Mar; Mumbai: DR ANJELINA ALMEIDA: wife of late Joseph, daughter of
late Manuel/late Sofia (Siolim), sister of late Domnic and Clara/Joseph
Abranches and Beatrice Fernandes.
   10 March: Aldona: JERRY ALPHONSO: son of late Romeo/Natty, brother of
Benjamin and John Paul.

G O A   W E A T H E R
   Temp: 27.5 degC (81.5 degF) at 08.30 am today in Assagao.
   Max Temp: 33.0 deg C; Min Temp: 27.1 deg C; Humidity: 91% (Official
figures for yesterday)
   Weather: A sunny morning in Goa today.

Courtesy: H=Herald; NT=The Navhind Times; GT=Gomantak Times; WE=WeekEnder

JOEL D'SOUZA, Assagao-Goa-India.

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