Seb wrote:

>Does this mean that Cecil is a foreigner or you mean to say goans
>(President Pandurang) cannot speak foreign (or whatever you say that
>is) English.

Cecil is a bharati foreigner who wanted political asylum in Chimbel.
We gave him mental asylum inside the Chimolchem xerro and made him a
temporvary xittizen. Being xittizen he gets 10% discount on the
xittybus ticket. But he has to wear helmet in the xittybus because the
khonnkulam in the road makes his khoddo bang on the xilling of the
xittybus. The money from the discount he has to put in the government
pocket for eating.

President Pandurang is a Chimolcar. He speaks Chimolchi Konknni and
gaunthi English.

Yours faithfully,

President Pandurang

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