
You have yet to provide verifiable evidence for your
claim of the numbers involved in  the alleged
Manglorean "holocaust". Furthermore, your thesis is
fundamentally flawed, because a holocaust suggests the
Mangloreans were targetted by Tipu because of their
religion. Again, here are is what is generally know
and not disputed:

1) Tipu did attack the Manglorean catholics. What is
not known or well accepted is the number of Magloreans
2) Tipu's army was heavily supported by Catholic
France in his struggle against the British. If we were
to use your logic, can we presumably conclude that the
Vatican was fundamentally responsible for the attack?!
3) The Manglorean christians lived peacefully for
decades under Tipu and Tipu's fathers rule.
4) The manglorean christians decided to switch their
allegience to the British and therefore constituted a
threat to his kingdom.
5) The "Coorgs" who were a fiercely independent clan
of mostly nature worshipers, were also subject to
attacks by Tipu. However, yet again, the reason for
the attacks by Tipu was that the Coorgs decided to
make financial agreements with the British, rather
than because of their religious beliefs. One will note
that the Coorgs later went on to assume positions of
prominent power in British India's coffee trade and
armed forces.
5) Tipu has many hindu princes who held prominent
positions in his kingdom. He was also involved in the
restoration of many hindu temples.

None of these broad, well accepted facts provides any
communal motive for Tipu's attack on the Mangloreans.
This is quite far removed from your unsubstantiated
claim of a Manglorean holocaust!  But then again, we
have also witnessed your claims denying that churches
were built on top of temples - even after substantial
evidence was provided to you.

Lets stick to facts rather than communal based opinion
shall we?


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Marlon,
> Thanks for reading the part III of the inquisition
> in Goa and perhaps
> the other two parts on this episode of Goa's
> history. Your post was in
> response to the plight and suffering of the
> Manglorean (former Goan)
> Catholics in North Canara.  Your rather long post is
> a narration about
> your impressions of Tippu's rule. It does not give
> details about the
> Manglorean episode in 1784 in Seringapatam. It may
> be humorous to you
> but it is insanity to me to wipe out an entire
> population because
> allegedly "few leaders switched sides". And we are
> constantly attacking
> the Catholics for the Goan inquisition. Frankly you
> have made my
> point.:=)) Compared to Tippu- a. k.a. the tiger of
> Mysore, the
> Portuguese were pussy cats. :=))

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