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"JOBS FOR GOANS"-  The Theme for World Goa Day


By Valerie Moniz

This year's theme is "JOB FOR GOANS" around the globe. This significant
issue impacts our economic future and as such, it is in our best interest to
reach out  and help each other, if and when we can.  To address this theme,
the GOANJ Executive Committee would like to focus on networking and
and resume ( cv) writing.

We urge our membership to network with each other and in the business
community in order to obtain jobs for those without jobs, or to seek
opportunities for advancement.

Also, members can advertise on our website at no charge or can peruse
Goanet.com for job opportunities. For those who could benefit from
resume writing tips or who want to "fine tune"  their resume, please
contact one of the Executive Committee members. GOANJ will
recognize the auspicious day at  our annual summer picnic - on
Saturday , July 10 at the Princeton  Country Club in West Windsor
 -by joining together to sing  Basil  Magno's "Proud To Be A Goan".

Hi Rene !

The following piece was written by  Valerie Moniz - the Managing Editor of
the  "goan Connection"- the quarterly newsletter of the Goan Association of
New Jersey (GOANJ). As stated earlier , we will be celebrating WGD during
our annual Members Only picnic on Saturday, July 10.

Tony Barros.

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