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>From Goanvoice-Canada
Newsline Canada
                              No Goans among the 28
South Asian 
                              There are at least 28
South Asians 
in the battlefield and their strength in the
Parliament is set...
There are 42 South Asians running in the Canadian
elections. It could be that the figures quoted above
is from the previous edition of the paper.
Check my opinion piece in India Today (international
eidtion), where I said 44 candidates. I had included
Kieth Martin as one of the candidates, and I included
someone else.
Martin claims he is "one-fourth" South Asian.
Surprise, he claims his great-grandmother was most
likely a "Goan." 
So, here we have a Goan connection. Martin is a doctor
from British Columbai who was a Reform MP, but has
defected to the Liberals.
I doubt Martin can be called a South Asian, but he is
obviously making the claim to seek votes from the
South Asian population.
There is a chance that there could be at least eight
South Asians, including at least one woman. There are
at least seven women candidates. One Ismali, Yasmin
Ratansi, who migrated from Tanzania.
We already have an Ismali, Mobina Jaffer, in
Parliament. She is nominated member of the Senate, the
Upper House.
Last elections there were at least 30 candidates. The
rise in the number of candidates show the political
progress made by South Asians. Many of the South
Asians are of Indian origin, and a few of Pakistani
Of the Indian origin candidates, the majority are
either Sikhs or Punjabis. If Gurmant Grewal, sitting
MP from Newton-North Delhi and his wife Narinder
(Nina) Grewal, contesting from Fleetwood-Fort Kells, a
new riding, both in British Columbia, win it would be
a record.
Watch out for June 28 results.

eugene correia

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