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I am very surprised about the Malarial Death reported from Goa.
Malaria is an easily curable disease so I am wondering what went wrong. Was
it negligence
or wrong diagnosis???
I live in Mangalore where Malaria is rampant. The District Administration
hasnt been able
to contain the disease inspite of educating the public about clearig
stagnant water and breeding of
guppy fish which feed on mosquitos.
Having just been out of Malaria a month ago - and having had frequent
attacks couple of
years ago - no one in Mangalore gets alarmed when one is down with Malaria.
One has fever
for 3 days, gets a blood test done (results obtained in 30 mts) , if
positive he/she is put on a
course of Resochin DS (Chloroquine) which to start is taken immediately (2
tabs) and followed by 1 tab
each every 6 hrs = total   tabs. In three days the affected person is out of
it. Its that easy in
Mangalore. Subsequently one is prescribed with Primaquine which is to be
taken for 14 days
(1 tab every day)  so that one doesnt get a relapse.
So whats happening in Goa ??? How come it lead to death??. A few years ago -
people knew of
only one type of Malaria i.e. Vivax and then came the Falciparum (Cerebral
Malaria) which
initially had proved fatal coz not many knew about it. But of late both the
types of Malaria
are common around here and almost everyone has been struck with Malaria some
time or
the other.
As Gilbert put it - I hope we dont have any more malarial deaths.

Bye and God Bless !

----- Original Message -----
From: Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:36 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Death from Malaria

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On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 11:03:01 -0400, "Gilbert Lawrence"

> I hope however that this sentiment translates into action to spur the
> government and local citizens to do something about mosquitoes and
> Both these problems have been solved in the civilized world. There is no
> reason for Goa and India to be continued to be plagued by them.

RESPONSE: Gilbert.......errrr.....civilized world ??? ;-) I assume you read
LANCET. Here's something from yesterday's Toronto Star:


Malaria breakthrough

LONDON-Scientists have made important progress in the quest for a malaria
vaccine, showing for the first time that childhood shots can prevent nearly
one-third of cases and slash the risk of severe, life-threatening attacks by
almost two-thirds.

Experts say the findings, outlined this week in The Lancet, provide robust
evidence that the dream of developing a vaccine that will get babies through
most vulnerable period of infancy could become a reality by the end of the
decade. Researchers have been working on a malaria vaccine for more than 20
years, but until now none of the candidates showed promise. If this research
bears fruit, it would be the first human vaccine against a parasite.

Specialists agree that, at least for the foreseeable future, there is no
prospect of a vaccine that would wipe out malaria like the smallpox vaccine
for smallpox, or even provide lifelong immunity. However, a vaccine that
turn the disease into a mostly mild infection would make a huge dent in the
effort to control malaria, which kills a child every 30 seconds and poses a
threat to half of all people on the planet.

The vaccine was tested in children aged 1 to 4 in Mozambique. It was most
impressive in children under 2, in whom the disease is most dangerous.

Further studies still have to be done to verify that the vaccine will not
interfere with other immunizations.

associated press

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