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On Fri, Oct 29 15:08:28 2004, samir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To the US citizens among GoaNet members:
> This is a fervent appeal. You have an important and sacred duty in the
> next few days. It is to save the world. A vote for Kerry will save the
> world; a vote for Bush will I am afraid take us to a further mess.

RESPONSE: Samir, considering what transpired in Poinguin after you implored
Goanetters not to vote for I. Ferns.......one can only foretell the results of
the US election.....:-)

Some Goanetters have shared some wonderful insights and analysis of why
Americans should vote for or against Dubya.....While The Economist, Harpers,
Foreign Affairs and other such intellectual media in nearly all streams of
soceity have openly written about incoherent policies of Dubya's
administration......very few make a case to vote for Kerry instead. It's more
about don't vote for Dubya - the greater of the two evils. Kerry remains the
un-Presidential looking President-wannabe !! On most serious issues, there has
been little or no evidence that Kerry would reverse policies that Dubya has
formulated and implemented......it's all about being at the right (wrong) place
at the right (wrong) time !!

Not to be outdone in this media frenzy, even O. B-laden has stepped into the
limelight with the release of his new video that came in straight at number 1 on
the News Networks. It's obvious he wants Dubya to win.....for now it appears he
feels Dubya is the only one he can rely on to perpetuate violence against

In recent US history, a President's second term has been pernicious to their
self-image - Reagan (Iran-Contra) and Clinton (Lewinsky-gate). So even if Dubya
rides back into 1600 Penn Ave on his Elephant-faced steed.....there possibly
could be further hiccups than those witnessed in his first term.

If Dubya loses Tuesday night........or in December - assuming they are still
counting in FL.....;-).....Leno, Letterman, O'Brien and the other stand-ups will
not be short on Presidential jokes as Kerry has been a regular feature of their

Heck....it's the last Saturday before the US elections.....could well be the
last night for Dubya-jokes on Saturday-Night-Live.....I'm tuning out of here
into Live-from-New-York........:-)

Best wishes - Bosco

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