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--- O filho de Albuquerque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   What is unfortunate and also TRUE is that in 1947 , the Jews had agreed to 
>   the equal partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews , but this
> was rejected
>   by the ARABS who even refused to acknowledge the right of the Jewish nation 
>   to EXIST .
>   So in a way the Arabs "asked for it".

The Partition Plan on 1947 was neither equal nor fair. The Partition Plan 
granted 55
percent of Palestine to the Jews, who at that time comprised only 30 percent of 
population, and who owned a mere 6 percent of the land.

Your statement 'So in a way the Arabs "asked for it".' is quite distressing. If 
choose to reject an unfair settlement, and as a consequence lose much more, then
should we say that "you asked for it?" 

>    Tank fire in Civilian areas : 
>   This is interesting , Here it is unfair to blame the Jews alone .
>    It is the Arabs who first attack Israeli foot patrols , and then go and 
> hide 
>    in Civilian Built up areas , Mosques , and Churches .
>    If the Arabs are so Brave , and ready for Martyrdom, why do they hide 
> behind
>    women ,children , as well as in mosques when the battle has started ?
>    Why should any Israeli General in his right senses order his boys to enter
>    these so called civilian areas without heavy armour , when they could get 
>   killed .
>   Israel  reserves the right to use all means , and all force at its
> disposal to
>   fight this war .

The problem here is that you ignore that the fight between the Israelis and the
Palestinians is an unequal fight. What the Palestinians do, is a reflection of 
lack of F-16s and Apache helicopters. Give them the same equipment,  training 
military bases, I doubt any of them will find a need to hide in civilian areas.

It should be noted here that the Jews used the same methods during the Warsaw
uprising against the Nazis and the their campaign of terror against the British 

>    Adolf Hitler did what he did , not as a Christian , but as a
> follower of Nazism!

Perhaps you are mistaken. Hitler was influenced by Christian beliefs. There are 
citations in this regard. One is produced below


>    Again regarding Jewish persecution by Christians , the only
> incident that can
>    possibly be cited is the Spanish Inquisition , but even over here
> it was not just
>    the Jews who were singled out , but all peoples and idealogies that
> threatened
>    the existence of  a Unified ,Catholic ,  Spain that were purged ,
> and ordered
>    to leave the country , this included among others , the Moors ,
> Albeginesse Heretics , and Jews .
>    The Spanish Inquisition was Fair in the sense , these undesirables
> were given
>    a chance to leave a country to which NEITHER THEY , nor THEIR IDEAS
> belonged to in the FIRST PLACE .

That sound a lot to me like racism. In this regard, I think it would be 
FAIR for the US and UAE to expel all Goans from their respective countries. 


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