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I think you are letting your emotions and personal
biases get in the way of your objectivity.

You are correct that the US has guaranteed Israel's
existence and security.  Without this US support the
genocide against the Jews started by the Nazis would
have been completed by the Arabs.  Maybe this is OK
with you, but not by the Americans.

Your personal bias is further illustrated when you
mention only Bush and Sharon, without mentioning
Clinton and Barak.  The latter two leaders negotiated
a detailed interim agreement with Arafat in 2000, with
further negotiations to follow, which he walked away
from at the last moment. 

If you REALLY look at ALL the available evidence, not
just the part that fits your pre-conceived agenda, you
would see that the militant Palestinians and Arabs who
control the community through threats and
EVEN EXIST.  In 1947 they tried to achieve this when 5
Arab countries invaded the new state with the goal of
"pushing the Jews into the sea".  Today they try to
impose their will by a combination of attacks on
Israeli forces and by deadly suicide attacks on
innocent Israeli civilians.  Just last week they
almost killed Mr. Abbas, who has been nominated to
fill in for Arafat until a new leader is elected, just
because he asked for a cessation of hostilities
against Israel.  Did you even know that?

To understand what I am saying you need to read the
Palestinian charter, which has never been changed even
though Arafat claimed that they now accepted Israel's
existence.  Look at the official Palestinian maps of
the region which show no Israel.  You also need to
look at what the leaders of the militant groups like
Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Arafat's own Al
Aqsa Brigades are saying.  They are NOT saying that
they will negotiate a 2 state solution if the Israelis
do certain things.  They are saying they will NEVER
accept an Israeli state.

I have done a lot of such background research before
coming to the conclusion that the militant Arabs do
not want to live in peace with Israel, they want to
replace Israel.  Since they have no intentions of
negotiating a 2 state configuration, I wonder what you
supporters of the Palestinians think Israel is
supposed to do?

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]          #   
> # Want to check the archives?
> http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/    #  
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> To me, the available evidence suggests that at the
> heart of Israeli
> 'terrorism' against the Palestinians, at least since
> 1948, lies American
> uncritical support for Israel and total lack of
> even-handedness. Without
> this 'big brother', Israel would have come to heed
> UN rulings of 1948 long
> ago. I have said before on Goanet, and I repeat--
> Bush and Sharon are the
> greatest terrorists around today. The world would be
> safer and more peaceful
> without such warrior leaders who have such a huge
> appetite for occupation of
> lands which are not theirs.
> I admit to not having a position on India's three
> days of mourning for
> Arafat as I do not know the facts on this count.
> Cornel

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