# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm.         #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!      #  

It has been observed that a lot has been said and written on this forum
mostly in support of the migrants. It is not at all my intention to refute.
But I would just like to say that what has been so far presented  is from
camera angle only. There is definitely another which I propose to present.
There is nothing in the world which is totally good or wholly bad.There are
always plus and minus points. The Indian constitution guarantees the right
of free movement. Migration has always been there and will always continue
as long as man lives.Let us examine the plus points of the presence of
migrants in Goa:
1. Helped in infrastructural development.
2. Contributed to the construction/housing activity.
3. Constitute a sizeable segment of the labour force in public as well as
private concerns.
4. Provided the much needed menial labour.
5. Manned many of the posts in the educational sector.
6. Occupied most of the posts in the University.
7. Grabbed many higher posts in certain government departments like
Electricity and PWD.
 I think that more or less sums up the contribution of outsiders.
Incidentally ghatti/gantti came from the word ghatt or ghantt-the western
ghats-which might have down the ages acquired a derogatory connotation.

First and foremost let me analyse how such a big number of migrants reached
Goa. Around 40% of Goa's population today is made up of migrants. Goa has a
very low birth rate but Goa's population showed an upward trend precisely
because of migrants. One reason for such a heavy influx is because word
spread far and wide that Goa was a land flowing with milk and honey. Ask the
maids working in Goan houses. The second reason was the greed of labour
contractors. For every new project the same or a new labour contractor would
import a new labour force. Why? I asked once a labourer digging a ditch for
laying of telephone cables how much he was being paid per day. He said he
was getting Rs. 30. At that time any man if hired was charging Rs.60 per
day. So you see per day per person the contractor was pocketing 100% besides
he would be making his own profit. Have a look at all the labour contractors
and see how fat they have become. Big cars, posh bungalows, heavy jewellery,
fat portubas, etc.
Once the project is over they become our liability. They start scouting for
land. They have then to meet their basic necessities. Since they are living
in huts they do not have to pay for any of this.
No problem. They are poor people. Let them enjoy at least a little bit of
comfort. Soon the politicians smell an opportunity and ration cards are
distributed quite freely. Never mind. Let them eat. Their children are
growing up. We have a school. Let us enroll them. We too will make up our
strength. The children start going to school. They grow up and approach
someone or the other and land a reasonably good job.
Then one day you see one of them going home. When he had come to Goa he did
not even have a decent shirt. Today he's worn a mid-priced pair of jeans, a
long-sleeved readymade shirt, a smart pair of cads, a pair of sunglasses and
a brand new suitcase. He's going home like a hero. Actually its the same
situation as with the Gulfees. But it does not end there. He has taken some
money with him with which he will start constructing a house. He will also
start a small business or start an irrigation system in his fields and grow
some cash crop. Now who benefitted?

In short what I want to say is that many Indian states have to be grateful
to Goa for improving the educational, social, cultural and economic status
of its citizens directly and indirectly.
This is what I am sore about? At least acknowledge that Goa is doing a great
favour to many of the other Indian states for if the pros and cons are
weighed it can be clearly seen that Goa is doing more for them than they are
doing for Goa.

Here some people will say that many Goans have benefited from the largesse
of other states. Agreed. Some are quick to cite the example of Bombay. But
my question is how many, in comparison to the local population. Here it is
60% who's paying for the reamaining 40%.

So what hurts is the justification. What hurts is the pride in saying " you
Goans cant do without us". And it is some half-baked patrakars who never try
to present an objective, balanced, unbiased situation. What hurts is when
after enjoying our hospitality they try to throw us out.( Remember the stroy
of the Arab and the camel).
Let me narrate just one incident.
I was then around twenty years or so. I was sent to one of the departments
in connection with my appointment. There was a Keralite manning the desk
where I had to get my work done. I had come to Panaji from Quepem. When I
approached timidly this man he gave me a shout and told me to wait. It was
around 11. I waited for more than an hour not knowing when to go in again.
Round about 12.30 I went in again. That time he gruffly told me to come
after lunch.
I went out and sat on the bench. As soon as the man comes I thought I would
get my work done and then go and have my lunch.
The man returned at 2 o'clock and put his head down on the table and went to
sleep. Now how dare I disturb him? To me as it is he was a lion. After he
woke up at about 3 o'clock I on a hungry stomach  went to him. He gave me a
dirty look as if to say " are you still around b......". and told me point
blank that my appointment was not ready. Come tomorrow.

I agree that it could have been any other person too. Perhaps even a Goan? I
am not too sure. My experience of life tells me that there is some
difference between Goans and others. I have noticed it. I have many more
experiences of rude behaviour of the outsiders.Of course there are
exceptions not few may be even many.
Anyhow the point I have laboured to make is, dont paint such a lopsided
picture so as to suggest that if the migrants hadn't to come to Goa we would
all have been long dead and gone or Goa today would have been a God
forsaken, unheard of, desolate place. Mel'lea fattlean konn moronam.
Goans should proudly make it be known and the rest of India should take note
of it that Goans are contributing most significantly to the growth and
development of  India. We Goans are truly great. That is what WE say.
Viva Goa!!!!!

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