On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:

Fred, the issue here was we were shown one set of
menus with one set of prices, and when charged, we
were charged a different higher price.  It would have
been OK *if* we were shown the higher prices at the
very start, which is when we would have made up our
minds whether to eat there or not.  And it wasn't a
"Rs 20.00 a rice plate" place either - a bit more
upmarket than that.

That's my point! You got over-charged (read cheated). I get overcharged whenever they come to know I'm a non-local. It has nothing to do with the fact that low budget tourists don't pay luxury taxes -- which Miguel pointed out.

Here? Where? In India or in Goa? We're going
completely off-track from the topic.  I won't go
further into details except to state that sufficient
food for the common man in Goa was not a problem in
the 50s, contrary to India's situation.

I don't know who you would count as the 'commonman' of Portuguese-ruled colonial Goa, but a lot of comment that looks at those times without Lusostalgia suggests that apart from a pampered but tiny upper middle-class, the vast majority found life tough.

Or would you see this as an incorrect view? FN

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