Tim de Mello writes:

I would like the people in Darfur, Sudan from being killed and brutalized by 
the Janjawwed. They have suffered more than the Afghans and the Iraqis.  I
think they need to be free and democratic - like us.

Please have a word with GWB on behalf of us poor and ignorant Goenkars, could 
you? Perhaps you could suggest that he look in the mirror before he gives you 
his response.

Mario Goveia replies:

Tim, I didn't know that the Goenkars had made you their spokesman.  When you 
call Goenkars poor and ignorant, you are probably referring to yourself, but
insulting the whole community.  Anyway, I will try and explain to you what is 
going on.  The US gives more aid to Sudan and to the continent of Africa than 
the rest of the world combined.  That includes all of Europe and Canada.

Since you are a Canadian, I assume you have already asked the Canadian Prime 
Minister why Canada is not helping the beleagured Sudanese, which is why you are
now turning for help to the US.  Somehow, I wonder if this has even occurred to 

Has it occurred to you to question why Kofi Annan has let hundreds of thousands 
of his fellow-Africans die in Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Sudan, all on 
his watch?  What are the "liberal" French, Dutch, Brits and Belgians doing to 
help Africa, which they controlled during colonial days?  And what has Canada
done lately to help anyone, though they did send a token force to Afghanistan, 
but only after the Taliban were routed.   Canada always shows up after the
primary fighting is over.

You critics cannot have it both ways.  You cannot object to the intervention in 
Iraq and then ask why the US has not intervened in Sudan.  The US is the
only country that has declared the atrocities in Sudan a genocide, which would 
trigger UN action, whereas Canada and the rest of the UN is refusing to go 

It is the UN's primary job to resolve international conflicts, not the US's, 
which only acts as a last resort.  If you were not so determined to be a critic
of the US you would know that the US does not intervene anywhere without giving 
the UN a chance to resolve a conflict.  In Iraq there was a 12 year
period from 1991 to 2003 where the UN tried to get Saddam to comply with its 
demands before the US acted, after Saddam was given an ultimatum in UN 
resolution 1441.

In Sudan the UN is supposed to be the one that intervenes first, before the US 
can legally act.  The US has been trying for months to get the conflict in
Sudan to be declared a genocide, which would trigger UN action, but Canada and 
the rest of the UN is refusing to go along.

Since people like you may also wonder why Iraq went to the head of the line 
over Iran and N. Korea, the same applies.  The UN and the Europeans are 
currently negotiating with Iran, and the UN and other neighboring countries are 
currently negotiating with N. Korea.  There are no UN ultimatums on the table so
far, whereas there was one in the case of Iraq.

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