Upon reading this post, I decided to re-read the news article previously 


The last few lines are particularly apt here, in regards to this post. People 
have a hard time admitting the discrediting of the reasons given to go to war 
in Iraq. In fact, they still maintain the reasons are completely valid - 
despite all the evidence to the contrary.

This is very counter-intuitive. From a pure sociological point of view, I 
wonder why this is so. Is it because in general, some people have a hard time 
admitting that they could be wrong? Or are there other reasons?

The lines are excerpted below:
the dissonance among Bush voters reflects the country's difficulty coming to 
grips with the discrediting of the rationale for the Iraq war."This period will 
really stand out as when the US went to war on assumptions that turned out to 
be incorrect," he said. "The body politic is still struggling to come to terms 
with that."

       >From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       >Subject: Re: Chickens coming home to roost!
       >Yes, no WMDs have been found in Iraq.  However,
       >neither has there been any accounting of what happened
       >to the WMDs Iraq had.  There has been some speculation
       >in reports, but no one knows for sure.
       >Bush voters are using common sense.
       >The question is, what happened to the WMDs
       >not accounted for.

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