I have recently obtained copies of the following books:

1. The 9/11 Commission Report : The Final Report of the National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. (567 pages)

2. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through
Profits (by Prof. CK Prahalad) (400 pages + 35 min. CD)

3. Indian in the Global Software Industry: Innovation, Firm Strategies and
Development by Anthony P. D'Costa  and E. Sridharan (eds). (292 pages)

There must be links to any or all these books on google, amazon.com etc. But
if any goanetters are interested  pls post your msg and I will try to
respond earliest. Looking forward to an exchange of stimulating ideas with
goanetters -- on goanet.

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