The article by Rajdeep Sardesai posted by Fredrick Noronha makes for somewhat depressing reading. Particularly when Rajdeep says: "In the years since being a cub reporter, I have realised that a mithai box is only loose change in the institutionalised corruption that is part of the journalistic profession."

And: "Some of the old-timers would whisper and suggest that this 'corruption' of the media is only a new trend, that it is only a reflection of a general fall in journalistic norms and values. That is a whole load of rubbish. Let us get it straight: the kind of media corruption that we are witnessing today is no Murdochian conspiracy as some would have us believe. It is the product of an incestuous system and a journalistic milieu which for a long time has survived on mutual benefit."

In the circumstances, should we not take any of the investigative reporting, or whatever, with a huge pinch of salt. While reading the article by Rajdeep, my depression increased, because nowhere does he say that he returned the mithai parcel or the bottle of whiskey. Yes, he has said that he pays for the accommodation and travel in one case. But he seems to be selective in his acceptance of hospitality.

Perhaps the journalists should have a rule on acceptance of gifts - namely, they should not accept it, and if given should be returned.

Sachin Phadte

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