Sujay Gupta- Editor Gomantak Times.
25 December 2004

Dear Readers,

When trouble is created by a misguided mind, there is still hope. But when
mischief is created by a devious mind, there is inevitable hell. The act of
forcing a communally charged, gory VCD supposedly on Goa's  freedom
struggle, down the throats of children, seeks to divide, destroy and
decimate young minds.
This isn't an educational exercise. This is a stab into the ribs of secular
polity of Goa. The  fact that this exercise was "inspired" (as mentioned in
the credits of the film) by the Chief Minister, who is also the Education
Minister and orchestrated by the Education department, is scary.

Scary: because people in power are expected to be responsible. Though there
have been instances when such pretences of responsibility have been done
away with, the present ploy of poisoning  minds and hearts breaks all limits
of civility and common sense.
Please note that the issue here is not whether every frame, word or shot in
the film confirms to history. That is debatable though there is considered
and overwhelming opinion that history has not only been tampered but also
butchered. But that is not the point. Why has brutality been fleshed out,
spiced up marinated and thrown into the faces of children? Are scenes of
Nazi brutality shown to young Jews? Are the barbaric tortures of the
apartheid regime in the Natal province shown to kids in the schools of South
Africa? Are the post partition riots filmed and served as a staple diet to
young children for customary viewing in schools in India? They are not.

If this government still needs to know why they are not, here is the answer.
These events are not shown because a civilized world does not open wounds.
Because time is a healer and no civil human leadership traverses back in
time to spread hurt and anguish. Just imagine what this film does to a young
mind. A child, without even grasping  the full facts of history sees priests
in black hoods, looking like monsters murdering and raping. He  sees dead
bodies, he sees blood, and he sees women getting their clothes ripped off.
Forget history. This is fear being drilled.

If children in Goa become mental wrecks, this government will be solely
responsible. We waited till we actually said this. But scores of calls,
mails and messages proved that Goan parents cutting across religious lines
are scared and worried. One  of them, incidentally a Hindu said. "When I was
growing up, I didn't  even realize whether my friends in class were Hindus
and Christians. Now  my daughter who is old enough to read papers asks if
Christians are bad.

Is this a legacy you would like to leave behind Mr. Chief Minister? When
instead of love and trust, hatred blooms, when friendship gives way to fear.

Any government must learn to respect  public opinion. This is not the case
of one section of the society or media being critical or reactionary. School
principals, common folks, historians, poets and most importantly parents
have been hurt by this cultural violence. From the Governor to the gas
station attendant, all have been shocked both at the film and the manner in
which it was forced to be shown. If forcible conversion needs to be
condemned, then this forcible indoctrination of young minds needs to be
despised, challenged and attacked in no uncertain terms.

If a film on the freedom struggle had to be made and shown, why was it
stealthily and slyly sneaked into schools without  giving Males, ministers
and a broad based political spectrum to view it? We know that the counter
argument to this will be that it was shown on Doordarshan a year ago. But
how many people saw it? And shouldn't  the government have had the
sensitivity to realize that a film fit for Doordarshan need not be fit for
young children who are almost raw? Moreover,  the length of the film has
changed, perhaps some of the contents. Why, even people in the script
committee of the original film were shown the VCD version and were calling
up our offices to ask for a copy of the CD. What a shame.

But these incidents may be shocking, but not surprising. There is very
little opposition to these incidents. When the leader of the Congress
Legislature Party, Pratap Singh Rane remains mum as always and the Tourism
Minister who prides himself for calling a spade a spade remains suspiciously
silent, where is the hope? We are  singling out Matany Saldanha since he is
known to be firebrand and we know he is hurt. If he has the guts, ask him to
either condemn this act or come out openly saying that the film is justified
and necessary.

It is high time Goa is freed from fence sitters like Rane and Matany
Saldanha tostart with. Of course, the larger issue of how to respond to
cultural atrocities should be dealt with by the people of Goa because
politicians have failed. The  Congress and the clergy have reacted strongly
but that isn't  enough. Let the people of Goa be the judge as always and
respond. Write to us, as you have in the past.

Let the People's Court, which all of you are honourable members of,  decide
if what we stand for is right. Or should history be shown at the risk of
history repeating itself with more violence and hatred.

Let every Goan speak his mind even if every politician is too gutless to
speak his. We will carry each and every view without fear or favor. Try and
suggest solutions and chalk out a roadmap for the future.

Write to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax or post letters as you
normally do.
In spite of all this, GT wishes all of you a very merry Christmas. Let the
season join hearts and fight the forces that try to break them.


The President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, the Prime Minister of India, Mr.
Manmohan Singh, the leader of the Congress Party, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, along
with the leaders of all other Secular Parties of India must please take note
of these happenings in Goa, in the thick of the prevailing, stamped and
delivered Secular Democratic Constitution of India and not remain
indifferent to the actual realities before it becomes too late. The Governor
of Goa, Mr. S.C. Jamir, who, has secular credentials must  view this
incidence as the most atrocious violations of the Secular Constitution and
the most maliciously atrocious attempt to get Goa in the foot-steps of
Gujarat. For God's sake, the RSS-BJP government of Mr. Manohar Parrikar is
in the process to strike at the very umbilical cord of this peaceful state
by distorting the minds of its younger generation, a crime which cannot be
allowed to be condoned.

The solution lies in dismissing  this very competent, very much guided with
malicious  hatred, government of Mr. Manohar Parrikar, who has personally
been and is the singular person responsible for the  starting of the fires
of communal hatred between its heretofore peacefully co-existing  various
religious communities of Goa.

I have grown up during the erstwhile Portuguese rule to the extent that I
was mature enough to understand, at the age of 14,  when Goa was liberated.
There was absolute law and order prevailing during the Portuguese rule, and
what is more important, there were no communal ill feelings among the
Christians and the Hindus, Muslims being a very small community then too.
The part that I come from, (a section of north Goa), the majority is still
enjoyed by the Christians. And if at all anyone benefited more through the
excellent communal relations, it was the Hindus, who have been helped by the
Christians to the extent of even giving them shelters when some of the newly
arrived from other parts of Goa needed them. And I will go on record to say
that the repayment that some of them(Christians) have received for their
good deeds is to forfeit their houses and properties altogether and even
bear the brunt of malicious campaigns. But even then, these instances have
been considered only isolated instances and far between and consigned to the
weaknesses of non-sincere human beings. I dare not say that all Christians
have been model the models of peace. The Liberation of Goa was equally
desired by Christians as was desired  by the Hindus and Muslims and all have

Mr. Manohar Parrikar is a non-est as the  leader of  Goa,  basically because
he is mentally a vile, revengeful and unforgiving RSS zombie. It  has been
brought to my  attention that a national newspaper (Indian Express) had
brought out a story of the burning of a mosque in Maharashtra (Bombay) many
years ago and the name of a young boy student of Goa by the name of Manohar
Parrikar had figured in that report to the extent that he was questioned by
the Bombay police. To date we are trying to  trace the whereabouts of the
then  reporter of the paper who is known to still possess the cutting of the
report. We are very certain in our minds that the person named in that
report could be our present chief minister of Goa. It is a fact that Mr.
Manohar Parrikar was in Ayodhya and has been reported to have actively
participated in the demolition of the Babri Masjid, accompanied by his wife
and his young son. During his tenure as Chief Minister of Goa, a mosque has
been burnt, an attempt to blow up a church in Vasco has been made, burning
of another  church and a temple has been  attempted, and, recently, before
the Poinguinim bye elections,  a temple in Sanguem has been desecrated. And
there is nothing to show as far as catching of the culprits is concerned in
most of these instances.

Manohar Parrikar has infiltrated the entire administrative services of the
Goa Government  by placing his RSS cadres in strategic positions such as is
evident in the Education Department, he being the education Minister. Mr.
Manohar Parrikar is not a pedagogue, and as such, it is amply clear why he
has kept the Education Portfolio with himself, in spite of there being other
persons in the ministry who are more suitably qualified  and have been in
the teaching profession i.e. Matanhy Saldanha for one. Mr. Manohar Parrikar
has openly professed his affiliation to the RSS cult by marching in the RSS
parade donning the RSS uniform in the capacity of the Chief Minister of Goa
which is highly irregular considering the RSS is a vilely communal
organization which has no place in a country which professes and works under
a secular constitution.

Manohar Parrikar has brought under his influence, most of the MLAs, whether
now belonging to the BJP or belonging to the Congress and  other Parties
such as MGP, UGDP and NCP by digging into their personal past through
burning of mid-night oils, in the capacity of the Chief Minister,  so that
they be totally compromised and not able to stand up to  his malafide
intentions and machinations. Example: Mr. Pratapsing Rane, Dayanand
Narvekar, Matanhy Saldanha, Babush Monserrate, Francis D'Souza to name a

My humble request,  as the citizen of this still secular nation and  a true
blooded Goan, as well as in the capacity of the president of  a registered
political party of Goa, the "GOA SU-RAJ PARTY",  to the President of India,
the Prime Minister, and all the concerned Secular leaders in authoritative
positions including the Governor of Goa, to outright dismiss the Manohar
Parrikar government in Goa and restore President's Rule for as long as it
takes to usher in fresh elections.

If this is not forth-coming before too long, then  Goans in Goa and Goans
spread out everywhere in the world will resign to the fact that India is not
fit for Secular Democracy, in spite of having a written down Secular
Constitution.  It is prayed that this jungle rule be  stopped for once.

for Goa Su-Raj Party.
Floriano Lobo

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