In spite of the Iraq posts being discontinued, Santosh
Helekar continues his vicious ad hominem attacks on me
personally, this time for comments I jokingly made to
Tim de Mello about operating on feni fumes.  Tim had
facetiously exulted at the prospect of somehow blaming
the US for causing the recent tsunami by not signing
the Kyoto Treaty.  I don't feel insulted if someone
"accuses" me of partaking of Goa's national drink from
time to time.  Tim probably chuckled at my comment,
but Santosh seems devoid of any sense of humor or

Santosh jumps to Tim's defense:
"The above post, besides containing gratuitous insults
against Tim de Mello, propagates politically motivated
nonsense regarding global warming. The article
contained in it is a striking example of vicious
right-wing propaganda. 

Global warming is a scientifically addressable
problem, and there is already a scientific consensus
on many of its aspects. For example, the following is
known to be true with a high level of certainty based
on objective evidence:"

Santosh then goes on to cite the case for global

Of course, Santosh, who I guess fancies himself to be
a left-wing propagandist, is so bent on attacking me
as a right-wing propagandist that he completely misses
my point, which was not that there is no global
warming taking place, but that there has been global
warming and cooling going on throughout the earth's
history, way before the industrial revolution which
the environmental zealots blame today.

The following three paragraphs from the article I sent
for Tim's consideration made that point when it said:

"As historical facts, global warming and cooling have

The Earth warmed in the Middle Ages, up to a peak
around 1300 when it was perhaps 2 degrees warmer than
now, whereupon the Little Ice Age ensued until about

We'd like to have that explained in the context of
"man-made global warming."

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