Dr. Jose Colaco wrote:
> BTW: From what I know of Santoshbab, he indeed is a
scientist but NOT one who relates his livelihood to
environmental research funds.
> > 
To which his old buddy, Santosh Helekar, adds:
> I owe my livelihood to research funds devoted to
give freedom and democracy to minds held captive by a
warped sense of reality.

Mario replies:
I'm glad Mr. Helekar has finally admitted to owing his
livelyhood to research funds to spread typical
environmental propaganda and to cast aspersions on 
anyone who disagrees with him.  This will surprise his
old friend, Jose Colaco, who, based on his comment
shown above, seems to be under two mistaken
impressions a) that Mr. Helekar is a scientist and b)
Mr. Helekar is NOT one who relates his livelyhood to
environmental research funds.

It makes me wonder whether Mr. Helekar's lack of
support for freedom and democracy for 80% of Iraq's
population may be due to a lack of research funds to
enable him to study that problem in more depth.

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