Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> The following is from the "Letters to The Editor"
> section of "The Globe and Mail" of 22nd January,
> 2005.

The letter itself is a vicious anti-American rant.

Mario replies:
Mervyn, you have now regaled us with the opinions of
three people in Canada who oppose President Bush's new
policy of  encouraging liberty around the world.  

These are you, a committed anti-American left-winger,
Haroon Siddiqui, an anti-American left-wing columnist
in the anti-American left-wing Toronto Star, and some
anti-American guy who wrote a Letter to the Editor in
the anti-American left-wing Toronto Globe & Mail.  I
see a pattern here.  I doubt that three anti-American
left-wingers represent the whole country of Canada,
even one that has drifted left of center in recent

By the way, I challenged Haroon Siddiqui's assertions,
and he declined to respond on the grounds that I had
been unmannerly in writing to him.  A guy who insults
not only the President of the US but the entire US
electorate proved that he does not have the guts to
defend his opinion.  Hit and then run.  Just like the
Iraqi insurgents he supports.

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