Mario Goveia previously wrote:
> This is not a "Canadian" view, but the patronizing
and puerile view of one Haroon Siddiqui, opining in
the far-left-wing Toronto Star.  Mr. Siddiqi displays
his solidarity with terrorists Abu Musab al Zarkawi
and Osama Bin Laden.
Tariq Siddiqui responds:
> So if you write a column or express doubts about the
programs of Georgie, you are expressing solidarity
with the terrorists?  Sounds like Nazism to me.
Mario replies:
I hope you and Haroon Siddiqui are not related.  You
certainly seem to think alike.

When someone verbally attacks the US and its attempt
to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq, in the kind of
vicious and hostile rhetoric used by Haroon Siddiqui,
they are expressing solidarity with the Sunni Baathist
insurgents who are doing the exact same thing along
with physical attacks.

If you had taken the time to read Haroon Siddiqui's
screed in the anti-American left-wing Toronto Star you
would know he was doing a lot more than politely
expressing his doubts about the programs of President
Bush, whom you continue to try to insult by calling
him Georgie.  Haroon Siddiqui not only insulted
President Bush but the entire US electorate.  Then he
did not even have the guts to respond when I
challenged his assertions directly.

Your gratuitous use of the incendiary term Nazism also
displays your ignorance of that movement, which sought
to commit genocide against the Jews, and to rule
Europe by force.  This is the exact opposite of what
President Bush and I stand for, which is freedom and
democracy for all, a concept you seem to find
objectionable.  Nazism is a far better description for
what the the Sunni Baathist insurgents in Iraq are
attempting, and of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al
Aqsa Brigades in Palestine, who continue to want to
exterminate the Jews in Israel.

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