After having fallen in love with his adopted holiday  State Goa The former 
real agent  H A Prins  has decided to pitch in and help the not so privilege 
people of the state in the coming years. He has put together a foundation of 
three persons “Stichting Cavelossim” a registered firm in  Amstredam Holland 
with an aim to provide sucour to the villagers of Cavelossim.

The former real agent for last forty years in Amsterdam, Holland H A Prins  
has been a regular visitor to Goa for the last five years. The sixty five year 
old, has spend the last of his four holidays in Cavelossim village in south 
Goa. He also is learning the Konkani language from former football referee 
Mariano Mendes as he plans to spend the rest of his life here in Goa.

The aim of the foundation accordings to Prins would be to Activiate and 
support sports activity in Cavelossim Goa and the second objective would be to 
Support and help to youth and older poor people of Cavelossim.

Elaborating further Prins disclosed that He plans to build a football ground 
in Cavelossim if sufficient space is available in the village for the project. 
He further adds that if no land is available in Cavelossim he does not mind 
moving to any other village to help in the project of building a world class 
football field for youngsters.

He also disclosed that he is ready to bring in the expertise and sponsors for 
the football ground and all that he needs is a piece of land to build the 
dream project.

On the second aspect of the charity foundation he disclosed that he plans to 
buy an ambulance for the village, to transport the old and poor for mass and 
other medical facilities. Besides he plans to use the ambulance during its 
free time to transport boys from the village for football practice.

He also disclosed that the foundation has already opened a Bank account back 
in Holland and that  Dutch donors can now avail of tax benefits if they make 
donation for the foundation.

Elaborating on the tax benefits he added that if a person , company or any 
registered firm makes a donation to an unregistered  firm in Holland then the 
donor has to pay another 50 percent as tax to the tax authorities for having 
made a  donation to an unregistered charity.

“Our foundation is registered with the tax office” he added

The Three directors are  Reginald Antonio Prins- Chairman, Daniel Bouland as 
Secretary and Sientje Stapel is the other member of the foundation.

The former real agent for last forty years in Amsterdam, Holland H A Prins  
has been a regular visitor to Goa for the last five years. The sixty five year 
old, has spend the last of his four holidays in Cavelossim village in south 
Goa. He also is learning  Konkani language from former football referee 
Mariano Mendes as he plans to spend the rest of his life here in Goa.

After a Christmas gift for  twenty five budding footballers from Cavelossim is 
determined  , they will cherish throughout their life coming out from the bag 
of Christmas father who has  made his way  in the  coastal village of 
Cavelossim  from far away land of Holland. Christmas is time to rejoice and 
share in the happiness with others who are less privileged.  With this is mind 
H A Prins is determined to make the dream of twenty five budding footballers 
from Cavelossim a Christmas gift which they will cherish throughout their life.

Prins is fascinated by the village and has fallen in love with the village and 
its people since the last three years. The former real agent who slogged day 
in and day out for forty years in Amsterdam has been a regular visitor to Goa 
for the last five years.

On his love for Cavelossim and its people he goes back down memory lane 
pointing out that he was born in a similar surrounding in a small village in 
Holland. “I want to spend the rest of my life here says the sixty five year 
old”. Explaining further he adds “ I like the way people help each other.”

“I also wanted to help the people of the village and what better way then 
being associated with young football players from the village. Young people 
need sports. Young people need good ground to start their football career” he 

“If Varca village can have a good football ground and an  excellent playing 
surface why not Cavelosim “he questions. “the dream of the people of 
Cavelossim would materialize “he says confidentially with the all round 
cooperation of the fellow villagers  right from the local panchayat body, 
social workers, well wishers and football lovers who all would love to have  a 
sports complex at Cavelossim alleviated to a top class football field in Goa.

Prins has himself being a Rugby player and follows others sporting events in 
Hockey besides football. He is not an avid fan of the big clubs of Holland but 
would like to put his money behind a lesser known club and players. The 
reasons for the choice he would not like to be print as he would invite the 
wrath of his former star players from Holland who have been his friends and 
who he would his contacts to get the finances for his football dreams of 
Cavelossim village.

Prins has set in motion the path of budding footballers by donating football 
shoes and equipment to under 15 footballers from Cavelossim which he humbly 
says is not from him but from people of Holland. Prins is one who shuns 
publicity and instead suggests that some of his promising players from 
Cavelossim be featured in the press, instead of his photo being splashed in 
the newspapers.

Prins along with his well wishers and friends from Holland has grand plans for 
football and footballers in the village of Cavelossim. Plans which he would 
divulge at the moment but make it public after all the formalities have been 
completed. Plans which he says would change the face of football in Cavelossim 
and in the nearby villages.

Prins also plans to use his excellent connections back home to raise funds for 
an ambulance for the village old and sick to ferry them for church services 
and to the doctor.

The vehicle he informs would also double up as a team bus for the young 
players he adds.

Prins is in the process of finalizing the name for his football academy which 
will have five members as directors of the academy. The directors meeting once 
every month to discuss the progress and shortcomings of the academy he informs.

He also wants to start a girl’s football team in the village but the girl’s 
project would take time to take off as Prins and his friends work out the 
modalities for the football academy.

All the twenty five under football players who have the beneficiaries of Prins 
football scholarship are training under referee and former Haywards sporting 
assistant coach Severino Fernandes.

Prins is inspired by the land and its people and   also its language and to 
relate better with the people  of the village he has taken up the task of 
learning Konkani language.

“Former football referee Mariano Mendes is teaching me Konkani for the last 
three weeks he informs. “Susegaddo , suseggado” were the first words I learned 
in Konkani . till then the bald energetic Dutch man treads his path slowly and 
steadily towards the desired goals set by him for the village and its people.

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