Dear Eddie,

As Rabi is aspiring to be a MP, it would be good for Goan Voice to have the facts right. I hope he is successful at the next Gen Elections. The LibDems are a good and principled lot. Wish them only the best

I am almost certain that the school Rabi attended in Poona is St. Vincent's.

As far as Aires is concerned........the challenge is to be fair to Aires as well as to the young lady in question, the priest and the nuns.

That is what we will aim to do.

A pic would be more than welcome!


From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Jose,

Good spotting. There is the De Nobili Jesuit seminary in Poona which I have visited but somehow I do not think that Rabi aspired to be a man of the cloth! I am copying the message to Rabi who is very approachable.

I am surprised you liked the photo of him with Sachin though. It is not one of my best. I was at the Sachin do but I had not taken a camera along. I borrowed one from one of the other guests and coaxed Rabi and Sachin together when to my horror I realised that I did not know the settings of the sophisticated camera I was using. I could not monopolise their time so I guessed the settings. They were rather out of focus and I had to play with digital settings later to improve the mediocre results.

Talking of photographs, I have one, taken in London, of you and Aires Rodrigues. Do let me know if you would like it for your Ribandar Ghuspott supplement!


Eddie Fernandes

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