Dear Afra,

Two points about your posts on Thalassemia

* A few more people are likely to be made aware that something called Thalassemia exists

*  Not so accurate points are mixed with the good ones.


The following point is correct

1. <There are thousands of people in India and Goa with Thalasaemia Minor>

About 20 million in India carry the gene for beta Thalassemia. Among Sindhis, Kutchis, Punjabis, Goud Saraswats, Gowdas, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Maharashtrian, Marwari , as high as 25% of the population are silent carriers of the Thalassemia gene

i.e. esp if you are of Chitpavan(Jewish) or Saraswat(Iranian), or of Greek descent (Punjabi etc) stay far away from your cousin.


The following three are patently BOGUS

2. < Thalasaemia is not a disease, it is an immune system

3. Thalasaemia was discovered only about 10 or so years ago

4. This nature's way of immunizing human blood saved humanity, the same goes to the black death in Europe >


5. <why did the people who buried the dead survived? their blood is immune to black death, and this has just been discovered 5 years ago in Kent(UK) population>

Please read the mode of Yersinia pestis infection in black death i.e. plague. It might provide the answer. It might help the above flam statement from you to self-destruct.


8. <GPs either ignore it or give u Iron tablets, saying u r anaemic>

Please change your GP - if your GP prescribes iron tablets without checking the cause of anaemia

Interesting as this subject is, my knowledge on the subject has now been exhausted. Hence i will make no further contributions on this subject.


jose colaco

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