Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only once is Chardo mentioned. In all other cases
> Brahmins are made the scapegoats of the (highly
exaggerated in my opinion) 'caste' problem among 
> Goan Catholics. Aren't there any other castes? And
> strata within castes?
> I could be wrong here but is Cornel out to simplify
> the whole caste problem as being Brahmins versus the
rest, with the Brahmins being the bad guys. Or 
> are there more layers to understanding this issue?
Mario replies:
Cecil, what more is there to understand about this
issue?  It is like trying to understand racism, or
nazi-ism, or apartheit.  May I suggest that we all
quit trying to put a happy face on Catholic casteism,
by discussing it as if it were some benevolent and
harmless system in the context of Christianity.  That,
in my opinion, is giving it a respectability that it
doesn't deserve.  Why don't we just denounce it as we
do racism and nazi-ism and apartheit and stand up and
be counted as opposing it every time it raises its
ugly head?

Regarding the emphasis on Brahmins in Cornel's quotes,
my inclination is to believe that there are far more
quotes and examples available about Brahmins than
there are about Chardos, that's all.  Cornel is on
record as opposing all casteism, so I would not try to
find some hidden insinuation in his examples. 

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