cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basilio,
> Many thanks for the clarification you provided. I
will immediately accept, from you, that you cannot be
rightly placed with Gilbert Lawrence as defending the
indefensible on caste. However, I must say that your
preference for dealing with caste among the Catholic
Goans is intriguing to me. I sincerely  hope it is one
workable technique/strategy  among others.

Mario adds:
I, too, appreciate Basilio's clarification that he
opposes casteism unequivocally, but I am not as
sanguine as Cornel in how Basilio proposes to deal
with it, with all due respect.  I would like to see a
far more proactive and aggressive approach to
confronting Catholic casteism, especially from those
who have a pulpit from which to preach and a position
of respect and leadership within the Church.  Benign
approaches to such abusive practices is what gives
it's proponents an excuse to continue the practice.

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