Dear Teotonio,

I am still at a loss to understand the pros and cons of caste system.  I have 
not heard any concrete course of action to get rid of caste system.  I like to 
know how you intend to confront this mammoth and sensitive issue.

If you think I have understood the caste system better than the rest than I 
intend to stay put and enjoy the roller coaster ride.  The addiction finally 
got to me unless you have a problem.  BTW, your request to "start another 
thread" remark has the sounding of grouping, caste hierarchy and class 

If caste system is sensitive for Goans than how will you categorize people's 
mindset, power and affluence?



Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:22:46 +0000 (Hora padrão de Greenwich)
From: "Teotonio R. de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goanet" <>
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Will the anti-casters identify themselves?

Dear Avelino,

If the subject has gained a roller coaster impact on so many readers who
have intervened, including even Bernado Colaco, with "unlimited quantity and
differing contents", it is because it touches a very sensitive social issue
for Goans. If you could  already fore-cast an "obstinate and shocking finish
, it  implies that you have been following it much better than many of us! 

You and other "exhausted readers" you mentioned should promptly start a more
interesting thread which may not lead to any fresh roller coaster impact! 

Teotonio R. de Souza

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