On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 00:32:39 -0000, Eddie Fernandes
> Rene is to be congratulated for seizing the opportunity to raise the
> networking issue at the NRI Cell office.  I do hope that those  who cannot
> be present at the meeting and our views will also get 
> attention.................................

> One possibility could be the recently discussed issue of NRIs who wish to
> travel on charter flights to Goa and stay for more than 4 weeks.  Does the
> NRI Cell oppose the restriction?  If so what do they plan to do about it?
> Does the NRI Cell oppose the Blackmailing of passengers at Dabolim?  If so
> what do they plan to do about it?
> Those who are not aware of the problem may wish to check out
> http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/newsletter/2005/Feb/issue4/supplement.htm
> Cheers,
> Eddie Fernandes
> London
> (NRI Cell Overseas Delegate)

RESPONSE: Just this week I have heard of some people not being allowed
to travel without paying the baksheesh demanded. They had to travel
the next day! I also met a couple who were to travel this weekend for
5 weeks to Goa by Charter. They were told by the ticketing agent to
obtain a receipt if money was demanded of them. I enquired what was
the reason for this - would the agent refund them their cost. Their
reply was that then could then make a complaint on their return!

Clearly the agents are continuing to contravene the regulations
imposed on charter travel. They are furthermore not informing their
clients of the inherent risks. They are, in the meantime, happy to
take their clients money ( often a premium). You can bet that not one,
ticket agent, will post on this forum to gen us on what is going on
and how to tackle it.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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