Hey, Nascimento,

Calm down, man.  I have no intentions of weeping. 
Weeping never solves anything.  Besides, India and
Indians are far better off today than when I left 33
years ago for the New World.

You seem to be looking at the Indian glass as half
empty.  India has many faults as all of us know all
too well.  Yet it also has many good points, such as a
level of acceptance, personal warmth and hospitality
that is unmatched anywhere.  India is the only "poor"
country that has had such a high level of committment
to secular democracy that it came back from the brink
of a dictatorship under Indira Gandhi, when SHE, who
had initially declared a bogus "state of emergency",
called for elections and lost!  How many countries and
dictators can you cite you would do that?  Not one. 
Only in India!

Yes, there is incredible poverty and corruption and
greed and ineffiency, but there are still far more
good people than bad and they seem to muddle along
nevertheless.  Besides, Indian brains, educated in
India, are underwriting technical development around
the world.  In case you have missed it India is now
the 4th largest economy in the world after the US,
Japan and China.  They probably would have been No. 1
if Nehru had made a right turn instead of a left turn
in 1947.  Where does Australia rank?

Yeah, some introspection is in order, but let's also
celebrate the progress and the ingenuity. There is no
need to weep, weeping never solved anything.  Just get
in the game and do something. Someone once said that
watching a democracy in action is like watching
sausage being made.  Winston Churchill once wryly
noted, "Democracy is the worst system ever devised by
man, except for all the other systems out there."

So, let's cut 'em some slack, give 'em some time. 
After all, you don't live there, so what do you care? 
I don't live there either, but I go there every year
to bask in the warmth and hospitality of friends and
family, and try and enjoy the best of both worlds.

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Frederick and all goanet guys,
> I hope u guys, whether from foreign or Deshi foreign
or down right Casti wallah, will weep; for this what
is going on in your motherland! Money alone moves
mountains! Principles be damned! Law does not 
prevail. Laws are made deliberately with loopholes to
cater for 'cheating' and the same goes with Rules and
Code of Conduct. Who is to blame for all this? the
people first, the voters. then the politicians of all
parties and Independents included, who make shoddy
laws; who appoint shoddy contractors and who appoint
corrupt persons as chair persons and directors.

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