Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. We can use caste to punish an unruly offspring by
> "forcing" him or her to marry a "dominant" person of
> the same caste, citing the caste system.  That
> should
> really straighten them out in a hurry, eh?  But what
> if the dominant person belongs to another caste? 
> Well, then I guess we jump to the anti-caster side. 
> By the way, maybe Gilbert's "research" can find how
> many of us have kids we can "force" to marry whom we
> parents want, especially when they are unruly and
> rebellious to begin with.  I'd really like to know
> this.  I had a hard enough time just getting my kids
> to clean their rooms.

1) I can show you an easy way to get your kids to
clean thier rooms. This is NOT a free service.
2) I can also show you how to get your kids to marry
whom you want. This is a free service. However, in the
first place, you would have to have kids who want to
be tied to your skirt forever.

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