--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> 1) I can show you an easy way to get your kids to
> clean thier rooms. This is NOT a free service.
> 2) I can also show you how to get your kids to marry
> whom you want. This is a free service. However, in
> the first place, you would have to have kids who
> want to be tied to your skirt forever.

Mario replies:
Your offer comes too late on both counts.  We brought
up our kids to be independent-thinking Americans of
Indian-Goan heritage, and our Grandkids will all be
Anglo-Indians, if you know what I mean.  "Fixing them
up" with anyone was never an option, "Don't even think
about it, Dad."

BTW, they keep their own homes far cleaner than they
ever kept their rooms.

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