From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Goanet]Dabolim's Development
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 09:34:44 +0530

<You certainly did not like it, when It was announced
that some real budgeting has been done for the improvement and refurbishing
of the Dabolim airport. Why?? U surely are up to something ugly.
Nasci Caldeira.>[March 12]

"But there is that capacity constraint, that bottleneck, that holds this
Goan experiement in full globalization back from exploding into real
fruition. Our airport is antiquated, with a physical and personnel
infrastructure so far behind times that it is beyond repair ... And then
there is the crowning disgrace that the airport isn't even  a dedicated
resource for Goan needs alone --- ownership and control lies with the Armed
Forces and capacity is limited."

Would be interested in your response.:)

My response:
Dabolim is not beyond repair; bottlenecks can be removed; a master plan from people with requisite know how is the demand of the day.

We must support Churchill Alemao and Eduard Faleiro in Delhi and the many others who are with the cause of making and retaining Dabolim as a Civilian only airport; not only because of its central location, but also because it has ample room for expansion and re-development to an airport of truy international standards; of course this is possible only when the Indian Naval Air Wing moves from here. U should also know that International standard airport does not necessarily mean 'Big' like S'pore or even Bombay; It can be smaller to start with but must be great in facilities and other norms.! Thats what our reps in parliament and other interested groups are at; and so we should support them vigourously.
U r right: at present it is a 'disgrace' and thats why I am seeking your and everybodys support towards this end.
Nasci Caldeira.

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