Today on Sky News, one poignant piece of news was about India's sacred
cow and the selling of their waste products. This news was first put
out to Goanet readers on 26th February under the heading of cow dung
and urine.............Goanet reaching your parts faster then Sky News,
or for that matter Heineken!

Yes and you may have guessed correctly, the BJP Party are the huge
promoters of this beneficial efficacy - drink it liberally!

The saying as horny as a bull is directly derived from receiving the
medicinal benefits, as prescribed by our Bamons. Only the true Bamons
are the ones who will partake. Any one who calls themselves Bamons and
have not partaken are not true Bamons. Anyone dispute this?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

P.S. With this availability on your doorstep why do you Goa Goans
resort to Spanish Fly? I saw this at a Margao Phramacy while awaiting
my perscription.

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