JoeGoaUk wrote:

"Kitem re Cecil bab, Fred bab ani her membr, tumchim kazaram goem bhair zalim kitem re ?"


Dear JoeUK,

I don't know about Fred and the rest of the members but my wedding was very much in Goa.

I am desisting from participating in your "game" because whenever I use Konkani words in my posts the GoaNet Admin Team members view the post with "extra" suspicion (my other posts are viewed with "normal" suspicion!) and may or may not let it through. Last week I questioned Miguel's Konkani phrase about "whistling in the fields" and it was not allowed through despite my not using a single Konkani word other than what Miguel had used - and definitely no curse words, sexual innuendo, personal insults or communally sensitive statements. The moderator said the post was deemed 'inappropriate' and no explanation for their judgement was forthcoming. The moderator also did not identify himself so I don't know who it was that made the judgement call. I can only guess.

I suspect that some of the GoaNet Admin Team members are not familiar with Konkani and hence they discourage Konkani postings as they will not know whether there is 'inappropriate' content slipping past their eagle eyes or not - since they can't understand it anyway. Anyhow I'm not complaining. I always play by the rules.




George Christoph Lichtneberg (1742-1799):
One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything.


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