This is the only thing I could find; nothing about caste issues. :-

In many parts of India today the persecution and oppression of the
Dalits, better known as the Untouchables, is still continuing. In
Pannur and Manvi Taluka the Jesuits are joining hands with the Dalits
and have established two centres with the goal of freeing people from
bonded labour and giving them the education and futures that they
deserve. The refuge in Pannur and the new school in neighbouring Manvi
Taluka are the beginnings of a new start for these oppressed people
and offers a shining light to children born without hope! However,
this hope cannot exist without your help! Every penny you raise will
go directly to the people:

Livelihood Support

For people who have had everything taken from them, ownership and self
sufficiency brings self respect and sustenance.
£125 buys one buffalo to provide milk for the children and an income.
£25 will pay for seedling mango and coconut trees providing food and income.

Child Sponsorship

£125 a year will pay for education and books.
£7.50 will buy a school uniform.

Nurturing happy childhoods

A happy and loving home is a key to happiness, to open this up for the children:
£50 will pay for the building and provision of a communal garden and play areas
£25 will contribute towards musical Instruments and sports equipment
£20 will decorate a classroom

Click here to download the poster 

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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